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Showing posts with the label productivity


 HOW TO CALM DOWN AFTER A LONG DAY You just had a very busy day... paperwork, lectures, office work, walking to and fro, submitting projects...and you just want to relax, but how? School days and work days can be very long, stressful and hectic. You have to do so much and still maintain your productivity level throughout the day.    Getting home is one thing we anticipate during our work hours; to just relax when we come home and destress after a long day. ....but sometimes, it's difficult to calm down after your work day maybe because of one thing or the other, it's just not working. From taking a cool bath to stretching in your cozy bed,  here are 10 ways to calm down after a long and stressful day... But first, don't forget to follow Marysays to not miss a single update on the blog. Now; A SIMPLE OUTLOOK: A.Calming down: An art? B. 10 tips to calm down after a long day C. Bonus Tips A. Calming down: An art? Calming down essentially connotes relaxation . Relaxing your ner