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Showing posts from April, 2021


  Yes, I write. I just started my first project on wattpad, and it's called Nostalgic encounter. Can't wait to hear from y'all about what you think of this preview of my first wattpad novel.🙈🙈 A SIMPLE OUTLOOK: A. A simple introduction B. Chapter 1 C. Chapter 2 D. Chapter 3 E. A simple conclusion F. A simple question G. A simple call to action A. A SIMPLE INTRODUCTION So for the past 30 hours, I've been really stressed, partially depressed and tired 🤧 I'm really happy people (you beautiful people) are reading my boring blog posts and are actually relating to it. It means a lot..... seriously. I thought I should just serve you guys with this at least before I'm up and going again, maybe after school tomorrow. B. Chapter 1 Today, I'll share with you the first 3 chapters of my newest novel. Please tell me what you think of it by commenting, voting and emailing me if you want. I would also appreciate it if you follow me on wattpad and share my profile and w


  It's already 2021. Most of us had great plans for 2020 but it's none of our faults last year was the way it was. Some benefitted greatly from last year, while others did not. The ones that utterly wasted their time grumbling about the lockdown situation benefitted less than the ones who actually worked through amidst the discouraging situation.  Is your 2021 going to be a year of wasted efforts, utilized time or complete laziness? Want a solution to why you keep spending your time unwisely, read on. A SIMPLE OUTLOOK:  A. A simple introduction B. What does it mean to waste time? C. Why do people waste time? D. What happens when people waste time? E. How can I stop wasting time? F. A simple conclusion G. A simple question A. A SIMPLE INTRODUCTION You're lying on the couch, effortlessly bored, pressing your phone, scrolling through your messages inbox, eating a plate of jollof rice and then the alarm goes off! It's time to exercise. "How did that come so quickly?&q


 Weekends can be a great time to waste time. Weekends can also be a great time to be productive. Keeping yourself busy, doing gainful activities and personally developing yourselves are things you can achieve during the weekends.. alone.  Want to know how? Read on. A SIMPLE OUTLOOK:  A. A simple introduction B. What is productivity? C. What are the benefits of being productivity during the weekends? D. What breeds productivity? E. Can I really be positive during times that are designed for leisure? F. A simple conclusion G. A simple question A. A SIMPLE INTRODUCTION   After a hectic week of work/school and major stress, one would want to let off all the steam during already planned weekends.  This doesn't call for unproductivity. Most people waste their weekends practically doing nothing, too much or not serving themselves well during this short break time as said by a survey conducted by  blog.rescuetime ...and it's highly possible YOU are part of those people. Noone says you


  So...yeah . I am a big fan of watching movies and even though I don't necessarily keep to-date with upcoming movies, I still have a slight knowledge of what's trending on Netflix here and then. Here's a list of my must-watch movies for this week..if you're even interested, read on. A SIMPLE OUTLOOK A. A simple introduction B. My history with keeping up-to-date with movies C. My present best movies D. My Top 5 to-watch movies list this week E. A simple conclusion F. A simple question A. A SIMPLE INTRODUCTION With the countless ads popping up on my phone and tv screen, there's no way I can run away from catching a glimpse of the fresh cinematic delicacies the people behind the scenes have worked hard to serve us.   Some movies on the list aren't really my preferences per say, but just cuz it's one of the hot topics on everyone's mouth nowadays, I can't resist anticipating. Even though I know I'm someone who hates overhyped/overrated stuffs ON soc


It's pretty hard maintaining that smile during bad times and keeping calm during difficult situations in your life. Want to know how to stay jolly every day of this year? Read on. A SIMPLE OUTLOOK:  A. A simple introduction B. What is positivity? C. What are the benefits of positivity? D. What breeds pessimism? E. How can I stay positive? F. A simple conclusion G. A simple question A. A SIMPLE INTRODUCTION These are really bad times. Really, really trying times for everyone in this world. It's very hard to stay optimistic in this present reality we're facing and people's smiles are leaving their faces day by day, as more sorrowful news of the pandemic's effects fill out TV screens. Not just during these times, but when things seem to be downhill for you or just straight out bad, it gets to a point that 'being positive is nearly impossible'. Staying positive, to me, is actually a gift few of us possess, that even in the midst of troubles or worries, one still


 HOW TO CALM DOWN AFTER A LONG DAY You just had a very busy day... paperwork, lectures, office work, walking to and fro, submitting projects...and you just want to relax, but how? School days and work days can be very long, stressful and hectic. You have to do so much and still maintain your productivity level throughout the day.    Getting home is one thing we anticipate during our work hours; to just relax when we come home and destress after a long day. ....but sometimes, it's difficult to calm down after your work day maybe because of one thing or the other, it's just not working. From taking a cool bath to stretching in your cozy bed,  here are 10 ways to calm down after a long and stressful day... But first, don't forget to follow Marysays to not miss a single update on the blog. Now; A SIMPLE OUTLOOK: A.Calming down: An art? B. 10 tips to calm down after a long day C. Bonus Tips A. Calming down: An art? Calming down essentially connotes relaxation . Relaxing your ner