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Showing posts with the label beauty


WHY YOU SHOULD MAKE YOUR BED EVERY MORNING BEFORE GOING TO SCHOOL Did you know that if you make your bed, every single morning, for a month, you will have good fortune the next month? Well, NO , and YEAH like you guessed it is so not true, but do you know what is not false? If you do that, you are boosting your momentum to go to school! Yeah, I don’t know the grammar to use or the way to express myself but this basic practice does a great deal in helping you charge up for school. YES , it gets you pumped up for the annoying thing-going to school! This is not a joke guy, it really does a good job ensuring this.                Now, I know that most of you are usually very reluctant to even wake up after the alarm rings and are prone to falling asleep for the second and third time. This stressed-based habit is both bad for your morning vibe and your body’s energy. If you continue doing this, it will always drain the energy you have every morning unlike those who wake up and are on-a-go a

5 effective home remedies for glowing skin

Having skin that literally glows and glitters is a woman’s priority and innermost need ; achieving it is not so easy but possible. Lots of teenage girls and young women haunt drug stores and chemist stores looking for that “savior-cream”/ lotion, others pester their dermatologists to prescribe what THEY want for THEM; still yet…… NOTHING WORKS. On top of that, their skin tends to get worse and look stressed out because of the different products and chemicals they let it consume.   I can tell you it’s not your fault that you just have to wear the tiniest amount of lip tint because of your chapped lips or the simplest puff of blush on your cheek because of those blackheads and open pores. GOSH! I know it’s so frustrating but what can you do? You’ve tried so many different things and methods: professional advice, home treatments, detoxification processes and yet…. NOTHING STILL WORKS . Just relax now, because I have what you have been looking for….for a while. Becau