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Showing posts with the label health


Are you tired of going on fad diets and still gaining weight afterwards? Why is this happening anyway? Find out in this post. Here are the five reasons why dieting is making you fatter. A SIMPLE OUTLOOK: A. A simple introduction B. What is dieting? C. Healthy dieting and Unhealthy dieting D. Why dieting is making you fatter E. A simple conclusion F. A simple question G. A Simple Call To Action A. A SIMPLE INTRODUCTION I was one of those people who went on insane diets just to get that model body. I starved myself sometimes to the point of fainting in public; just to look good for my middle school graduation ceremony. It's a completely normal thing for people to want to have a perfect and fit body, but it's unhealthy when that desire arises from envying celebrities or social media influencers that have to look a certain way, for their job. It's safe to also say that you clicked on this post to find out why all your dieting journeys have always ended in if not more or absol


 HOW TO CALM DOWN AFTER A LONG DAY You just had a very busy day... paperwork, lectures, office work, walking to and fro, submitting projects...and you just want to relax, but how? School days and work days can be very long, stressful and hectic. You have to do so much and still maintain your productivity level throughout the day.    Getting home is one thing we anticipate during our work hours; to just relax when we come home and destress after a long day. ....but sometimes, it's difficult to calm down after your work day maybe because of one thing or the other, it's just not working. From taking a cool bath to stretching in your cozy bed,  here are 10 ways to calm down after a long and stressful day... But first, don't forget to follow Marysays to not miss a single update on the blog. Now; A SIMPLE OUTLOOK: A.Calming down: An art? B. 10 tips to calm down after a long day C. Bonus Tips A. Calming down: An art? Calming down essentially connotes relaxation . Relaxing your ner

5 effective home remedies for glowing skin

Having skin that literally glows and glitters is a woman’s priority and innermost need ; achieving it is not so easy but possible. Lots of teenage girls and young women haunt drug stores and chemist stores looking for that “savior-cream”/ lotion, others pester their dermatologists to prescribe what THEY want for THEM; still yet…… NOTHING WORKS. On top of that, their skin tends to get worse and look stressed out because of the different products and chemicals they let it consume.   I can tell you it’s not your fault that you just have to wear the tiniest amount of lip tint because of your chapped lips or the simplest puff of blush on your cheek because of those blackheads and open pores. GOSH! I know it’s so frustrating but what can you do? You’ve tried so many different things and methods: professional advice, home treatments, detoxification processes and yet…. NOTHING STILL WORKS . Just relax now, because I have what you have been looking for….for a while. Becau

Reduce face fat in 5 easy steps

Losing fat in any part of the body isn’t as easy as you think. Now, losing face fat is something really hard but not impossible. You want a chiseled jawline, plumper cheekbones, and a defined nose. Achieving a defined face shape is not as easy as getting a thigh gap. This is because the face is originally structured; this means your facial bones and muscles are already structured in a particular shape and the only way for it to look slimmer or more defined is to lose some face fat. Remodeling your face shape is highly impossible except if you go for plastic surgeries and even implants only work on your facial muscles, not the bones itself. Nevertheless, if you want to get the best results, you know the drill; change your lifestyle, take many steps and try different methods , but that might be a long way to go . To be realistic, IT PRETTY MUCH IS!   Don’t be discouraged, the journey might be long but rewarding. To get your slimmer, defined face shap