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You just had a very busy day... paperwork, lectures, office work, walking to and fro, submitting projects...and you just want to relax, but how?

School days and work days can be very long, stressful and hectic. You have to do so much and still maintain your productivity level throughout the day.

   Getting home is one thing we anticipate during our work hours; to just relax when we come home and destress after a long day.

....but sometimes, it's difficult to calm down after your work day maybe because of one thing or the other, it's just not working.

From taking a cool bath to stretching in your cozy bed,  here are 10 ways to calm down after a long and stressful day...

But first, don't forget to follow Marysays to not miss a single update on the blog.



A.Calming down: An art?

B. 10 tips to calm down after a long day

C. Bonus Tips

A. Calming down: An art?

Calming down essentially connotes relaxation. Relaxing your nerves and freeing yourself from any thoughts or actions.

  I do think calming down is an art that has to be mastered to achieve it fully. Something I learnt from Teen Titans Go is that some people can't actually calm down because of old wounds in their life, post traumatic experiences or are just flat out workaholics. Whatever the case may be and whichever personality you may have, you can still achieve a calmed state and that point of relaxation that is satisfactory....TO YOU.

And now I sound like a physiotherapist😅

B. 10 tips to calm down after a long day

TIP 1: Declutter your bag/purse

That sounds like work, but it's not.

Not only is this a productivity hack, but it's also a great way to unwind after your busy day.

Arranging the items in your bag or completely removing all the items out and putting only the needed ones in it is a good way to calm down your nerves after a busy day.

TIP 2: Drink 3 glasses of water

Water is good for you, anytime, anywhere, any day. 

Mostly after having a hectic day, you need to rehydrate. 

You should drink of few glasses of water as it helps to calm your nerves and put your brain in a mentally cool spot.

TIP 3: Take a nice long cold bath

After a busy day, you would be all dripped with sweat and your roll-on would've done a good job so far, but you still need to get the smell away.

Take a long cool bath after hydrating yourself as soon as you get home to de-stress.

TIP 4: Drink a cup of tea

You can drink a cup of calming tea after your cool bath to further help you calm down. 

Chamomile, ginger, lemon and green tea are some good examples or calming teas that help soothe your body after a long day.

TIP 5: Do breathing exercises

I'm sure you've heard of breathing exercises. They're kinda like yoga but breathing yoga- the pre-exercise of the main yoga.

You can download a breathing exercise app like Breathly to act as your guide during the workout. It can last as long as 10 minutes if you want to, but just make sure it's effective.

TIP 6: Read a book

No student wants to get back from a whole day of copying notes and books to come home to open a book and start reading.

Well, it's a great way to de-stress.

Even if it's just a page or two, or a chapter of your favourite romantic novel or an inspirational book, we can't deny that leisure reading is a good way of chilling off after a LONG day.

TIP 7: Meditate

Not so many people do this again, while some others just neglect it's benefits. People feel this is only meant to be done during a yoga class, but it's more than just that.

Meditating is done to give space for you to speak and be super close and intimate with YOURSELF. It's having a quiet time for yourself and serious deep thinking.

This practice alone helps to free your mind from work and relieve stress after a very busy day.

TIP 8: Stay away from electronic gadgets

They are your enemies.

They don't want you rest after being a busy bee throughout the day.

You want to calm down after your hectic day but you open your social media on your phone and turn on the don't want to relax, my friend.

Keep your eyes and ears away from anything electronic at least for a few hours on getting home. It helps you avoid unnecessary stress and wahala.

TIP 9:  Scribble on paper

It may sound stupid but it actually works!

Bring out a piece of paper, hold a pen and draw nonsense! Sorry, I mean, let  your hand lead the movement,or something....

If you didn't know, this helps ease tension in your muscles and brain and relaxes your body in ways you can't even imagine!

This works in a matter of seconds!

You may never know what great idea will pop out of those scribbles.

TIP 10: Enjoy fresh air

Nature does calming your composure.

Just go out, take a seat and watch nature and it's beauties. Feel the fresh air flow by your neck and work through you. It gives a calming sensation like any other.

C. Bonus Tips

And Just A Bonus:

TIP 11: Have a siesta/Go to sleep

I actually do this almost every working day of my life and it has shown to be a priceless practice!

     Whether is 2 hours or just 30 minutes siesta to cool your brain, it helps relieve stressful and relaxes you after a long day.

Sleep is irreplaceable and essential for having a productive day tomorrow. The best way to calm down and relax after a busy day is just to sleep. Carry out your night schedule and retire to bed. 

Get an average of 6-9 hours of sleep and you'll be up an going the next day.


Weekdays can be really hectic. Whether it's filling in notes and listening and taking notes during lectures in lessons, 10 periods in a row or filing papers and doing office work in your office, one feels stressed and drained after a long and busy day.

We anticipate getting home to relax and on getting home, to achieve a calm and relaxed state can be..... difficult. Distractions and lack of ideas to do so leaves us feeling more strained at home. 

By doing these suggested things mentioned above, it will help you de-stress and relax after a hectic day and help you recharge for the next day.

Any suggestions you want to add? Leave a comment below⬇️

Thanks for stopping by!

Stay tuned for more from Marysays

Stay safe and stay blessed


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