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Are you tired of going on fad diets and still gaining weight afterwards? Why is this happening anyway?

Find out in this post. Here are the five reasons why dieting is making you fatter.

Why dieting is making you fatter


A. A simple introduction

B. What is dieting?

C. Healthy dieting and Unhealthy dieting

D. Why dieting is making you fatter

E. A simple conclusion

F. A simple question

G. A Simple Call To Action


I was one of those people who went on insane diets just to get that model body.

I starved myself sometimes to the point of fainting in public; just to look good for my middle school graduation ceremony.

It's a completely normal thing for people to want to have a perfect and fit body, but it's unhealthy when that desire arises from envying celebrities or social media influencers that have to look a certain way, for their job.

It's safe to also say that you clicked on this post to find out why all your dieting journeys have always ended in if not more or absolute failure. 

It's not your fault, it's something else.

And you'll find out that as you read on....

B. What is dieting?

According to

Dieting means regulating one’s food intake for the purpose of improving one’s physical condition, especially for the purpose of reducing obesity, or what is conceived to be excess body fat.


In nutrition, diet refers to the food and drink that is regularly consumed by an individual (or a group). 

Check for more details

Dieting, the way I see it, is a safe escape from actually putting effort to maintaining your fitness.

When you diet, you limit, caution and train your body to get used to certain nutrients taken in by your body and condition yourself to eating boundaries.

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C. Healthy dieting and Unhealthy dieting

Healthy dieting or unhealthy dieting

I guess you didn't know there was something like healthy dieting and unhealthy dieting. explains healthy dieting as so;

What is a healthy diet?

Eating a healthy diet is not about strict limitations, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather, it’s about feeling great, having more energy, improving your health, and boosting your mood.


Healthy dieting can be seen as a medically and scientifically approved way of dieting, in which "safe" means are incorporated in the process of dieting.

One of my favourite health bloggers, live explains unhealthy dieting as so:

An unhealthy diet fails to provide your body with the correct amounts and types of nutrients for maximum health. 


This is plainly the opposite of healthy dieting.

Fad diets

Insane diets

With minimal to limitless medical approval and eating constraints respectively.

SKincare tip of the day

D. Why dieting is making you fatter

This may sound as controversial as the introduction, but there's a little truth in all controversies.

There comes a point in your fitness journey you've wondered why your dieting endeavours have resulted in wasted effort?

Or maybe unwanted results it's better.

You wanted to lose 5kg after your one week egg diet but you find out you lost 2kg and then gained an additional 6kg after a week and 5 days. 

It isn't just ill luck or bad dieting practices.

It's not just something you're doing wrong, it's something you're doing too right.

You're probably on the edge of your seat right now, gritting your nails in anticipation of what this "THING" is.

Sit well and calm down as I take you through 5 reasons why you dieting is making you fatter.

1. Your diets are all wrong!

Your diets are all wrong

What do you mean, Mary?

As I stated earlier, there's a clear difference between "healthy dieting" and "unhealthy dieting.

It seems I forgot to mention about good and bad diets i.e healthy and unhealthy diets.

Good diets aren't necessarily healthy; they are diets that are likely to achieve your goal of losing weight if followed well.

Whereas, bad diets are diets that are most likely to achieve your goal of losing weight or trimming down or whatever if followed religiously, but aren't necessarily healthy too.

Some examples of good diets are:

  • Mediterranean Diet. #1 in Best Diets Overall. 
  • DASH Diet. #2 in Best Diets Overall (tie) ... 
  • The Flexitarian Diet. #2 in Best Diets Overall (tie) 
  • WW (Weight Watchers) Diet. #4 in Best Diets Overall. 
  • Mayo Clinic Diet. #5 in Best Diets Overall (tie) 
  • MIND Diet. #5 in Best Diets Overall (tie). 
  • TLC Diet. 
  • Volumetrics Diet.


Some examples of bad diets are:

  • Carnivore Diet
  • Whole30.
  • Keto Diet. 
  • Atkins.  
  • Paleo-Vegan (“Pegan”) 
  • Cleanse Diets.


The diets you follow are a major determinant whether you achieve your short-term weight loss goal.

2. The ‘diet tendency'

When you're on a diet, whatever type, there's always a 'don't eat' or 'avoid' list. 

Because of this, the normal human being has a tendency to succumb to the urge of actually eating a food from the don't eat list.

We are humans.

Even the most highly disciplined person in this world can't say no to a full bucket of ice cream Sunday! explains this:

Hunger and a lack of key nutrients can both cause certain cravings. Therefore, it's important to eat proper meals at mealtimes. This way, your body gets the nutrients it needs and you won't get extremely hungry right after eating. If you find yourself in need of a snack between meals, make sure it's something healthy.

It is because of the fact that diets aren't all the best eating regulators out there's, that's why even during a dieting week or month, a typical foodie gains weight or doesn't lose weight at all.

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3. Rough conditions

Dieting puts you in a state, a mode, a situation whereby you have to forfeit your sweet mouth and normal eating habits for eating practices you're not much a fan about.

I hope that's been established.

It is because of this same reason why dieters aren't losing weight as they wish to.

Eating healthy is the best and only way to lose weight healthily and in a steady pace, as compared to dieting, which is usually time framed, stressful and demanding.

One who wants to lose weight in a safe manner needs to slowly and steadily change eating habits that cause them to want to go on a weight loss journey. 

This is what eating healthy entails and what dieting tries to repurpose.

One main reason you're seeing the opposite results out of your dieting efforts us because the standards are set too high, unrealistically and simply unhealthy.

4. Intermittent fasting or starvation?

It was only until last two years I heard of intermittent fasting and at that time, I thought, like every other misinformed lad on the internet " WOW! I didn't know there was a way to lose weight so fast and easily and so healthily!"

Yes. Like you, I thought intermittent fasting was "healthy".

Not until I read this blessed post by completely changed my perception and life. Honestly!

In their first point, they stated:

Multiple studies have revealed that fasting can decrease your amount of REM sleep, the type of sleep that improves memory, mood, and learning capacity.

Poor sleeping patterns can disrupt your workflow during the day. You would not be able to concentrate as much, are more inclined to take naps, and might be more irritable. Sleep insufficiency has also been found to be linked to problems with your blood sugar levels, brain toxin buildup, and obesity.

I immediately resonated with this article upon reading it because at that time, I was on a mad dieting journey. My middle school graduation ceremony was a few months away, and it's not like I was out of shape or anything (I never have and I never will😌), I was just going through celebrity crush and influencers influence phase in my life and got obsessed with looking like Kendall Jenner and one of my favorite lifestyle bloggers and influencer.

I would diet for a week straight, eating only one meal per day,as per the rules of intermittent fasting, and by the end of the week, I would only lose like 1.5kg, when I see a youtube video of a girl losing 5kg after a week. Wondering why it wasn't working for me, I went on a search for answers, and I stumbled upon the post.

When you fast intermittently, are you really healthily denying yourself of food for a certain period of time to "increase metabolism" and lose weight or are you just starving yourself?

You may not know intermittent fasting is killing your health and destroying your eating habits until you start constipating during the middle of nights and having lesser appetite.

Check out the full post here for more details.

5. The "aftermath"

You just "successfully" finished dieting for the week and you're feeling drained, stressed, slightly bashed but overall, fulfilled.

You check your weight, and you lost 4.8kg. Beyond impressive!

Then what?

Is the story really over?

Is that all?

How will you react when you discover after 6 days of your dieting week, you've gained weight again!

You thought the effects of the diet would at least last for 1 month, but upon seeing this dreadful sight, you're confused.

Don't be.

It's all in the maths and science.

I may not be a science student or the best in maths, but I know that when your body is put in starvation mode/ restrictive mode, it craves food during the process but soon after, the weight you were able to cheat your body to lose, naturally comes back even faster than you lost it. Some, if not all of it!

When you diet to lose weight, you regain it shortly after the diet process.

       So, if you diet to lose weight, in the short-run, you will most likely gain it back, and in the long-run, your eating habits will be totally messed up, and you'll be left in the unhealthy intermittent fasting cycle.

I know I don't want that.


I used the quotation marks in this post a lot:()and for all the owl-eyed readers, I will be rewarding the first person to comment the exact number of times I used it in this post.

Good luck!

Want to talk? send me a message!


Dieting can be a good thing and a bad thing. In the case of losing weight healthily, it's not the best recommendation as most renowned medical practitioners have stated and what the process entails. If you do it well, you may able to lose weight, but if you do it too well, you may end up gaining even more weight.


Any dieting experiences or tips you want to share?

Leave a comment below.

Thanks for stopping by!

Stay tuned for more from MarySays.

G. A Simple Call To Action


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  1. I think you've provided a very limited review of intermittent fasting. Only eating one meal per day is not the only way to fast and definitely not the way to go for someone so young. You can fast for as little as 12 hours per day and still see benefits from intermittent fasting including increasing your metabolism and clearing toxins from your body.

    1. I'm sorry this reply is coming late. This post is about dieting and not intermittent fasting. None of the points given are to condemn people for their dietary restrictions and actions. It is mainly to form, weigh alternatives and health benefits and conclude thereafter which and which is advisable and not to follow.
      In my future posts I will put in mind to begin with a disclaimer concerning health related topics supporting the fact that this is an opinion-driven blog
      Thank you for dropping this.
      I hope you check out the other posts and have a lovely day.😊


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