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 It's a new month! New goals new feats to achieve, new plans, new expectations and new habits to cultivate or discard. Everyone has habits that they don't want following them into a new phase in their life because of the negative results it produces. They just have to go! 

Want to know the top ten bad habits you need to get rid of as you enter the month of May, read on.


A. A simple introduction

B. What are bad habits?

C. Can I break (bad) habits?

D. Mary's bad habits

E. The ten habits you have to get rid of this May

F. A simple conclusion

G. A simple question

H. A Simple Call To Action


Happy New month!

We're in the month of May, finally.

April was full of setbacks, stress, success and development, but that doesn't mean May will be any less or more.

I'm sure you already have a long list of goals planned out, which you wish to achieve,and you've done a rough plan of how May will turn out for you.

That's all good, but you're missing something.

Are your habits checked?

From the littlest and unnoticeable one, to the most obvious one in your life, those destructive habits will cost you a great deal in achieving those goals planned for this new month. 

That's why you have to check if those bad habits are still there, and if they are, get rid of them.

How, you ask? 

That's what we'll be looking at today.

B. What are bad habits?

Bad habits are habits that are bad.


Bad habits aren't necessarily habits that are bad. They are habits that negatively affect your personal life and infringes an aspect or your entire lifestyle. 

A bad habit possesses time-wasting tendencies.

They also affect your relationships in a bad way and  often lead to unsafe addictions and flawed personalities.

C. Can I break (bad) habits?

Habits are formed throughout one's lifetime.

It's not a one-day thing.

It is done everyday to be called a habit.

The question of being able to break a habit requires a another question to be answered.

Can you form a habit?

Yes, that's the question.

If you can form a habit, you can also break a habit.

How long it may take is what we can't be absolute about, but if it takes you 3 months to form a habit of dishing your food on a flat plate, it may take you 4 months to get you start dishing your food in a deep plate, as explained by

D. Mary's bad habits

You wouldn't think a productive gem like me would have any bad habits I want to get rid of, but it's just because of that I decided to make this post.

No, I'm definitely not a productive gem.

I'm a very very lazy teenage girl who shies her time away daydreaming about her successful future when she's meant to be actually working towards it. 

Infact, most of the habits that'll be mentioned below are ones I want to fling out of my life.

From procastination

To oversleeping

To inconsistency

Yeah, all the good stuff.

These are the three major Fs in my life right now, but I'm on that path to turn them to As very soon.

E. The ten habits you have to get rid of this May

We're halfway into year 2021 and there are things you've done to your satisfaction and some you should've done better. 

One of the reasons of those setbacks you experienced could possibly be those bad habits you held on to. 

It's a time for change and a month for development.

Join me today as I give you 10 important habits that are affecting your life today and why you need to let them go this month.

But first, don't forget to subscribe to MarySays to not miss a single update on the blog.

Credits to Merriam Webster dictionary for all word definitions.

Habit one: Procastination

pro·cras·ti·nate | \ prə-ˈkra-stə-ˌnāt , prō- \
procrastinated; procrastinating
Collegiate Definition
transitive verb
: to put off intentionally and habitually
intransitive verb

: to put off intentionally the doing of something that should be done

I do it...A LOT.

That's why I want you and I to stop.

I don't have to explain how this habit affects your productivity, plans, career, workforce, efficiency, personal development and life. It's all known, if I may presume.

All I know is this month, procrastination is going!

Habit two: Late night eating/snacking

This, my older brother who helped me open this blog actually introduced me to, and I unknowingly have taken this to the next level. I do this almost everyday, even though I go to school the following day.

It's very unhealthy and bad for your productivity streak.

If you know you're someone who tends to get hungry in the late nights(like I am), make sure you eat a satisfying meal as late as 8 so you can digest that before you go to sleep. 

Drink water from that point to dull your hunger, and please, sleep early so you don't need to be awake when your body starts feeling hungry during the regeneration period at night.

Habit three: Oversleeping

over·sleep | \ ˌō-vər-ˈslēp \
overslept \ ˌō-vər-ˈslept \ ; oversleeping
Collegiate Definition
intransitive verb
: to sleep beyond the time for waking
transitive verb

: to allow (oneself) to oversleep

This also I'm struggling to get rid of.

I think most of us, especially students, cultivated this habit as a result of the lockdown period, and from then, it's been stuck with us. I know I had to reduce it because school resumed, but it totally came back during the holiday that just passed.

Whether you go to school, to work or stay at home, during vacations or holidays, that shouldn't be the reason you oversleep.

 It's affects one personally and socially. 

You go late to work, school, events, appointments, miss breakfast, and waste a whole lot of time in the morning when you were meant to be awake.

Habit four: Extreme dieting

noun (1)
di·​et | \ ˈdī-ət \
Collegiate Definition (Entry 1 of 4)
1a: food and drink regularly provided or consumed
a diet of fruits and vegetables
a vegetarian diet
b: habitual nourishment
links between diet and disease
c: the kind and amount of food prescribed for a person or animal for a special reason
was put on a low-sodium diet
d: a regimen of eating and drinking sparingly so as to reduce one's weight
going on a diet
2: something provided or experienced repeatedly
Their imaginations feverish from a diet of detective novels …
— The New Yorker

heard a steady diet of excuses

Extreme dieting, as the name implies, means dieting on extreme terms.

When you go on a diet normally, you're put on constraints, bound to follow rules and be time conscious.

Imagine when you then diet on an extreme level.

Those different diets out there; military diet, model diet, egg diet, potato diet, smoothie diet; yeah, I know them all, because I've tried them in the past. 

When I was obsessed with looking like my favorite idol and celeb, I sought through the internet for the perfect and quickest diet to give me the perfect body, but do you know what I was left with? More desperation and unfulfillment.

So, I urge you to stop doing that if you are.

They are unhealthy, unorthodox, time-consuming and unfulfilling.

Eat healthy, exercise regularly, stay optimistic and live your life.

Dieting itself is a dangerous habit disguised as a healthy go-to thing.

Habit five: Inconsistency

in·con·sis·ten·cy | \ ˌin-kən-ˈsi-stən(t)-sē \
Collegiate Definition
1: an instance of being inconsistent

2: the quality or state of being inconsistent


The term itself scares me.

Why, you ask?

Because I'm one of it's daily victims.

If you think it's hard for you to keep to a plan everyday, then you needn't know what it is for me.

I'm the most inconsistent person on this earth!

I say this to myself everyday when I realize I'm behind schedule posting on the blog or I forgot to jog in the morning.

I'm thinking you say this to yourself too, that's why you clicked on this post.

How do I stop being inconsistent?

I asked myself this question last two weeks, while I was scrolling through my library on my laptop to see a solution to my dreadful disposition. Then, I stumbled on a pdf file, PERSONAL PRODUCTIVITY SECRETS was the name, by Maura Nevel Thomas. The name caught my attention, so I scrolled through to see if the answer I wanted was in the book.

Then I saw it.

Page 23 had the answer written on it.

It read:

Sit! Stay! Sleep.

I know you're wondering how does that make you consistent?

It doesn't tell you how to be consistent in a sighting, but it tells you why you're inconsistent.

It's because you're doing nothing.

When you're not engaged, you tend to be less consistent.

If you want a full post on that, comment down below.

Habit six: Being pessimistic


pes·si·mis·tic | \ ˌpe-sə-ˈmi-stik, also ˌpe-zə- \

Collegiate Definition

: of, relating to, or characterized by pessimism : GLOOMY

It's really hard staying positive this year as it seems 2021 is a follow up of 2020. Things are pretty much scattered now and the government is trying to put everything back in order.

That doesn't mean you should be a gloomy guy.

Even if things may not be working well, or going according to plan, you should still give yourself daily hope that one day, all will truly be better.

That's something I convince myself daily about.

Still hold on to your dreams, plans and work towards them. 

Keep smiling; it gets you through a lot of nonsense.

Habit seven: Being too desperate

des·​per·​ate | \ ˈde-sp(ə-)rət , -spərt \
Collegiate Definition
1a: having lost hope
a desperate spirit crying for relief
b: giving no ground for hope
the outlook was desperate
2a: moved by despair or utter loss of hope
victims made desperate by abuse
b: involving or employing extreme measures in an attempt to escape defeat or frustration
made a desperate leap for the rope
3: suffering extreme need or anxiety
desperate for money
desperate to escape
celebrities desperate for attention
4: involving extreme danger or possible disaster
a desperate situation
5: of extreme intensity
… a desperate languor descended heavily upon her, and she slept …
— Elinor Wylie


Being desperate alone puts one is a dangerous state of "anything now, I must get this or that" or "do or die" situations.

Being TOO desperate is then an alarming state in anybody's life. When this becomes an habit that arises out of being let down, failed plans or obvious desperation and frustration, the outcome is only and mostly negative for both the intrinsic and extrinsic.

This is what leads most youth, for example, here in Nigeria to go into illegal suites to make money because of the decadent economy and poor standard of living.

You should never let your present situation make you vulnerable and open to doing things you would not do in the normal.

Habit eight: Being untrustworthy

un·trust·wor·thy | \ ˌən-ˈtrəst-ˌwər-t͟hē \
Collegiate Definition
: not dependable or worthy of confidence : not trustworthy
an untrustworthy person

an untrustworthy source

It starts with being given money to buy some foodstuffs in the market or grocery store.

It then leads to one lying to his parents about his school fees to have some extra bucks through a wrong way, or lying to your CEO that a project requires a certain amount of money to be carried out, after adding your own share that's not meant to be added.

You should start working on building a good name for yourself, in your family, social group, school or work place, accountability-wise.

You shouldn't be that guy or girl that can't be trusted with major school projects or workloads.

Start now.

When you're given a task, assignment or work, do it well and do it very well the next time.

Habit nine: Not planning/budgeting

plan·​ning | \ ˈpla-niŋ \
Collegiate Definition
: the act or process of making or carrying out plans
specifically : the establishment of goals, policies, and procedures for a social or economic unit
city planning

business planning

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

You've heard this a lot, right?

Well, today, I'm going to introduce you to my own quote on this same subject matter.

Planning is not planning to do nothing

Not planning is planning to do nothing

I'll explain my quote as thus:

When you plan, you plan on doing something, as the plan involves you to do something or whatever.

So when you plan, you plan to do.

When you plan, you are not planning on doing nothing. You are planning to do something.

But then, not planning is planning to do nothing.

When you don't plan, you subconsciously plan to do nothing.

What's my main point though?

If you want to do something and be something in your life, plan.

If you want to do nothing and be nothing in your life, don't plan.

That enough will help you decide which is the habit you best cultivate and discard, now!

Habit ten: Being impulsive and too emotional

im·pul·sive | \ im-ˈpəl-siv \
Collegiate Definition
1: having the power of or actually driving or impelling
2a: arising from an impulse
an impulsive decision
b: prone to act on impulse
an impulsive young man

3: acting momentarily

Firstly, being impulsive is very eminent in adolescents and teens.

Not only in shopping malls, also in making important decisions in ones life, impulse and emotions play a huge role. 

Whereas, being emotional is mostly eminent in the females.

Emotional is defined as: 

emo·tion·al | \ i-ˈmō-shnəl , -shə-nᵊl \
Collegiate Definition
1: of or relating to emotion
an emotional disorder
2: dominated by or prone to emotion
an emotional person
3: appealing to or arousing emotion
an emotional sermon
4: markedly aroused or agitated in feeling or sensibilities

gets emotional at weddings

The reason why they say emotions shouldn't be involved in business matters and such is because it affects the solidity of decisions to be made.

Emotions in general are human, yes, buy they aren't meant to be used in making vital decisions in ones life.

Keep your emotions away when actually making importing life choices so as to not regret them later in the future.


Starting this new month, I've decided to work on discarding some of the bad habits I've accumulated from last year's enigma and developing myself into a more productive person this year. 

Will you join me?


Which habits do you want to remove from your life this month?

Comment down below!

Thanks for stopping by!

Stay tuned for more from MarySays.

H. A Simple Call To Action


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