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5 effective home remedies for glowing skin

5 effective home remedies for glowing skin

Having skin that literally glows and glitters is a woman’s priority and innermost need; achieving it is not so easy but possible. Lots of teenage girls and young women haunt drug stores and chemist stores looking for that “savior-cream”/ lotion, others pester their dermatologists to prescribe what THEY want for THEM; still yet……NOTHING WORKS. On top of that, their skin tends to get worse and look stressed out because of the different products and chemicals they let it consume.
 I can tell you it’s not your fault that you just have to wear the tiniest amount of lip tint because of your chapped lips or the simplest puff of blush on your cheek because of those blackheads and open pores. GOSH! I know it’s so frustrating but what can you do? You’ve tried so many different things and methods: professional advice, home treatments, detoxification processes and yet…. NOTHING STILL WORKS.
Just relax now, because I have what you have been looking for….for a while. Because of you, I took 2 days to search throughout the web and personally picked out 5 most effective home treatments for glowing skin. These home treatments will help brighten your skin tone and give you the healthy glow you desire. As always, I keep it simple. Let’s get glowy;

1st                        Aloe Vera gel

“Aloe Vera is one of the best home remedies for healthy skin and overall skin health”.

It has been used since generations(literally from the ancient times) as one of the ancient beauty products and secrets of our beautiful great grandmothers and African beauties. It’s not a doubt that your mom or friend has mentioned aloe vera to you anytime you ask about your solutions to your skin problems or need to have glowing skin.
 Apart from its wonderful health and total fitness benefits, this plant has a vital role in the health of our skin. This is because of its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Aloe Vera gel hydrates the skin and rejuvenates it giving it the natural glow you want. It can also act as a natural moisturizer because of its soothing properties. It also prevents acne, eczema and clear spots.

You can:

 Slice a piece of aloe Vera and apply the gel on your face as a moisturizer.
Apply aloe Vera gel and honey on your face to give your skin a radiant glow.

·         You can plant aloe Vera in your garden or in a small bowl. The fresh one is better than the packaged one you buy in commercial stores.
·         Be safe, be healthy, and be wise.

2nd                    Coconut oil

“Coconut is  rich and nutritious, but did you know its oil is much more rich and nutritious”

Coconut oil has a ton of beauty benefits that it has to be a post on its own. Some of its benefits are due to its antibacterial and antifungal properties. You know what that means……….It’s a teeny-tiny drippy, slimy soldier that fights fungal and bacterial infections on our skin….FOR US!!! It can also be used as a mild cleanser and a face moisturizer. Two in one!!
It also has soothing properties so it nourishes and hydrates the skin, leaving it as fresh and shiny as a baby’s bosom!

You can:

Take a cotton pad and dab in a bowl or spoonful of coconut oil. Use the pad to gently clean the face for 2 mins then dispose of it.
Mix a tbsp of coconut oil and 2 tbsp of brown sugar as your magic exfoliator. The mixture removes dead skin cells and gives your skin a glow-y appearance.

·         Organic or distilled coconut oil? Which is better? You already know my answer by now, stick with the organic. It’s healthier. You can also use the distilled one if you want to but you’ll miss out on some of the nutrients the organic one has.
·         Coconut oil is said to be good for sensi-skins so why don’t you try it out?

3rd                      Baking soda

 I said it! I bet you didn’t know that powdery stuff you put in your cupcake dough to make the result look as nice… as it is….is really any good. Well, guess what, IT IS!
Baking soda is a shelf-dweller that has so more potential than we know and can see; it is not only good for baking pastries and stuffs, it is also good for our health and skin. The presence of anti-inflammatory properties makes it a mild, natural antiseptic which makes it our second teeny-tiny fluffy, powdery soldier! It can be used as an exfoliator because of its ability to prevent and remove accumulation of dead skin cells, dirt and excess oil.
This in turn makes the new, fresh and shiny skin come out and shine its light!

You can:

Mix a tbsp of baking soda with a tbsp of olive oil and apply as a strengthening mask.
Mix baking soda with aloe Vera gel and use as an exfoliator.

·         Baking soda and powder are not likely the same and not likely different. Baking powder has low concentrates of antiseptic in it than baking soda.
·         Baking soda isn’t a natural bleacher. It merely has mild antiseptic in it. #

4th                      Lemon juice

How many of you guys have been told by the dozens of dermatologists and every YouTube videos you’ve watched about natural bleaching and you have always gotten answered by one thing-lemon? Does this citrus fruit everyone yaks about really is as potent and effective like they say it is? I’ve got two words for you?
 Yeah, you heard me, Juice-it!
Lemon juice, as I know you have heard, is good for losing weight, boosting immune system and also helps with the health of the skin. The citric acid present in lemon juice has mild bleaching properties; because it of this it helps removes the dead skin cells and rejuvenates your skin. It also helps to remove dark spots, clear blemishes and fixes discolorations. Lemon juice is the right way to go when aiming for glowing skin.
 It also helps to fight acne, pimples and soothes sensitive skin.

You can;

Take a cotton ball and dab in a spoonful of lemon juice. Then, apply on your face and let it dry before you start your normal skincare routine.
Use honey and lemon juice for bright skin.

·         Lemon juice tends to irritate and prick sensitive and oily skin when applied. Make sure you dilute with water or a tablespoon of honey before applying to your face.

 5th                      Carrot juice

Carrot has enormous uses and benefits in our lives today, more than you could possibly know.

This vegetable is rich in Vitamin A which helps to tone the skin and revitalizes the skin. Carrot juice reduces inflammation and redness of the skin. It keeps the skin hydrated when it is applied as a natural moisturizer. It helps even out the skin tone and prevents wrinkles and fine lines. It also fights acne and fungal diseases. This would make it our third teeny tiny juicy, carrot-y soldier!
It leaves the skin looking shiny after applying it because of the presence of carotene. These being said make it one of the best home remedies for glowing skin.

You can;
Have of body bath made of ½ part carrot juice, ¼ part cucumber juice and ¼ part rose water with drops of lavender and rosemary essential oils.
Spray carrot juice on your face and body before you bathe, to act s a mild face and body cleanser.

·         Carrot oil or juice? Which is better? For the sake of my previous explanation, I would go with the juice because it’s more `natural’ than the oil that has to be boiled in a carrier oil to be obtained.
·         Drink a glass of carrot juice with a tbsp of honey everyday for a month and watch your skin glow.


Thanks for reading. I hope this post was helpful t you. I would like to say I’m sorry for the failed weekend I had and how I let every single one of you down on the back-to-school series. Something came up and I had to cancel it and postpone it till further notice. I’m really sorry for not posting for this long. I actually found out the government announced the schools in my state were to resume a week after the normal day so my bro and I have had an extra week. I still have a couple of days too. I am happy but many things have been going on lately and it’s just been……..hectic but by the grace of God, everything’s alright. Anyways, I hope this post helped you and you can pick out the remedy you think is best for you. The ones I, myself consider the best are the ones that are rooted, you know, I mean the ancient ones that your grannies used when their moms told them about it when they were little girls. You can also mix them and make effective masks that will give you glowing skin. I personally promise you that you will see positive, visible changes and progress.

Thanks again for stopping by.

 Stay tuned and stay blessed.


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