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Did you know that if you make your bed, every single morning, for a month, you will have good fortune the next month? Well, NO, and YEAH like you guessed it is so not true, but do you know what is not false? If you do that, you are boosting your momentum to go to school! Yeah, I don’t know the grammar to use or the way to express myself but this basic practice does a great deal in helping you charge up for school. YES, it gets you pumped up for the annoying thing-going to school! This is not a joke guy, it really does a good job ensuring this.

               Now, I know that most of you are usually very reluctant to even wake up after the alarm rings and are prone to falling asleep for the second and third time. This stressed-based habit is both bad for your morning vibe and your body’s energy. If you continue doing this, it will always drain the energy you have every morning unlike those who wake up and are on-a-go at the first ‘beep’ of the alarm clock.

Jumping back to the main point, I know most of you must be pondering “how come bed making in the morning is now a must-do thing “and what does it do/what effect does it have on us? I used to be like you once but now that I know this wonderful truth, I can’t possibly keep it to myself. It’s too awesome to not tell you about it! Now you should know that some research has shown that this simple habit truly has an impact on our morning and daily routine and schedule, but I will break it down and relate it, as closely as I can, to our daily busy morning school schedule. I will show you why you must do this minor act every single morning of all your hectic morning school days. Now without wasting much of your time beating around the bush, lets’ get into the five main reasons you should adapt this airy yet rewarding habit:

  • Making your bed in the early morning keeps you from the bed long enough to not get back into it

As I stated before, there are lots of people (including me) who usually experience difficulty getting out of bed in the morning and sometimes end up going back to bed up to 3 times before finally waking up two hours after the alarm clock. I know how hard it is to keep those eyes open once you hear the annoying beeping of the alarm clock and I also can relate to those that can’t help but close the annoying alarm notifications or extending the time for another 20 or 30 minutes. Do you know that if you would jump up of the bed after the first ‘tick tock’ or ‘ring ring’ of your alarm clock and make your bed which may usually take just 2 minutes, that urge to sleep back will be gone? Yes, trust me it really does!


       Even if you still feel a lit bit sleepy after waking up, once you stagger up to a standing position and force yourself to make your bed, you will no longer have to sit on your bed because that feeling of sleepiness will either be lessened or gone! If you have to say your prayers the first thing you wake up, that’s also a nice way to keep those eyes open, and then adding the habit of early morning bed-making is just a too-good morning routine! This undoubtedly helps students to wake up as early as their alarm clocks want them to and pushes them to get ready as soon as possible to avoid not catching the school buses or arriving at school late. It can also help with those students that do some minor chores in the early morning or any other activities they do before going to school.





  • Making your bed first thing in the morning is a passive exercise

This may sound off and beyond ridiculous but if it was, would I suggest it to you? The nature of the practice is already exercise-like because it helps to work your muscles into performing a voluntary action even though part of your brain is still booting up. This helps to work all your muscles in the early morning as it is the best time for the body to react to any physical activity with more effect than throughout the day and this is because, you know, the brain has been in shut down mode during the night. Also, the little actions like; forcing your eyes to stay open with repeated blinks, slowly getting up from your bed, remaining balanced standing up, and then using the little energy you may have in the morning to make your bed very well, all assist the fact that the entire process is a full-proof passive exercise that only burns your early morning calories.


 It's still pretty cool if you ask me and I would dedicate at least 3 minutes every morning to this, (I am looking for easy ways to burn calories, would you blame me?!). It doesn’t matter to me if it’s just 3-8kcals I burn every morning, at least I know my body’s always in shape (at least in the mornings!) Anyways, students also face advantages of this as this is not a physical but all-rounder exercise and it could help in prepping for your busy school day. Do you think you could try it out?



  • This habit is a mental trainer

Besides the fact that the habit of making your bed first thing in the morning is a surprisingly good passive exercise, it is also a mental trainer.

Wow, right? Now how is this so?


 First of all, habits are not just formed and developed in one day, right? A habit builds and develops gradually and completely sticks to one’s daily routine and possibly his/her subconscious, and so does this habit. It’s not called a good habit for no reason! If you diligently perform this exercise as a habitual action, it trains your brain to stick to the pattern. It’s the same thing as someone learning how to wake up as early as a rooster,5 am; the person starts by setting the alarm clock to regularly remind him to wake up by 5 am. When the person does this to a certain period and subconsciously gets used to waking up regularly at that certain time, it will get to a point or day that he would wake up without the reminder of an alarm clock.

 That’s how the brain takes information, process and analyze it, assimilate it and then outputs it as a reformed habit. This also can be done to the bed making habit, as the brain acts familiar with this daily practice, time will come that the brain would help you in waking up process and eventually you’ll find yourself doing this as if it were a normal thing for you. As the habit trains the brain, it also trains and shows us the fact that humans are truly adaptive creatives.


As learning students, it also aids in better brain performance and concentration levels as you passively train your brain overnight. It is such a win-win situation!



  • Making your bed in the early morning is an excellent metabolism booster

Immediately making your bed after waking up is such a rad way of losing little weight. This will lead to increased appetite and much more ‘moving energy’ than normal but firstly let’s break down the metabolism aspect. Ordinary making of bed doesn’t sound like something that could perhaps increase the metabolism process yet it is so good and in such a magnificent way.

 Although the result does not come as soon as you are done with making the bed, you will feel the difference shortly after you’ve done the practice. The reason why this practice is a metabolism booster is due to the brain-training effect it has and the passive exercise quality it possesses: these two combined are a head start to boost metabolism in your morning schedule.


      This simple and effective practice is a great metabolism booster because it easily becomes a habit and solid habits like these, shows more results in boosting metabolism day-by-day. As a result of this, you are increasing the chance of a higher metabolic rate every day as you cautiously abide by the habit. The benefits of this habit include a healthy appetite in the morning which leads to breakfasts that are not skipped. Breakfast is a very important determinant for good growth and development. Other benefits of making your bed early in the morning are the unbelievable energy to carry out your daily morning activities without falling back asleep and the urge to exercise and workout a little bit better every morning. This is mainly why students should try to adopt this habit because it pushes them to do a lot of things they normally didn’t think they would do each morning. (I usually didn’t sweep the house in the morning talk less of chores, then after adapting this habit I clean the entire house every morning by 4:00 am-5:00 am)



  • As it is a good way to start your day, it’s a great way to get a head start on your day (plus a little smirk!)

As it is a good way to start your day, it’s a great way to get a head start on your day (plus a little smirk!)

All the reasons I listed above sums up to the first and only thing I mentioned and stated, that is, the habit is a great head start for your day.

The practice is not a ‘once and for all thing that helps you in one day or something that reverses the effect that it supposedly says it gives.

 It’s not a complicated thing to do nor is it a thing to try once and do away with.

 It is called a head start because it gives you an awesome start to your day.

 It is not a scientifically, philosophically, or sociologically rectified practice, it is simply a very fun and also beneficial way of kicking off your day.

 It poses a great advantage to most students (like me) who have difficulty waking up early in the morning as it opens so many ways to boost your efficiency and brain’s capabilities. As it trains your brain, it is an effortless psychological booster and shows you lots more your brain can do. It is also a passive exercise that requires no dumbbells, barbells, or resistance bands. You don’t even need a yoga mat. You only need to get up and make that bed of yours!

 All these factors combined are the reasons you must not forget to keep this habit as a good head start to your school day.



    With the above benefits and reasons, I think every student and non-student should this habit to their daily routine. It won’t take you more than 5 minutes, it’s an easy routine that requires nothing but your bed, your hands to work and your legs to walk. I know sometimes when you hear the bed-making routine and “its benefits” you kind of pull back and get exhausted from hearing the usual “why you must do it every day”. I have simply brought you the main reasons you should implement it and possibly add it to your packed schedule. I didn’t bombard you with reasons why you must do it but what you would potentially miss if you didn’t and the solution to your normal morning headache of sleeping twice. It's your choice if you want to miss out on this wonderful experience.


Try it out and let me hear your viewpoints.






Thanks for reading all through this boring post. It took me such a long time to name this post because all my ideas were at least 12 words long so I tried to shorten them, I just stuck with the old one and the first so thumbs up for me! :) I hope this post was favorable to all the students and non-students that just checked it out and read through it all. I sincerely hope you have gotten one or two points to take note of and are helpful. This post has always come to my head now and then to post it for you guys, but I usually discard the thought because it sounded so hilarious in my head. However, it was an honor to write this post because it relates to one of my minor problems of early morning slothfulness, and glad to share my thoughts about it with you wonderful people. Be sure to put down your thoughts on this topic in the comment section and also don’t forget to subscribe to always get informed when I release a new post.    


Thanks again for the support and for stopping by.



 Stay tuned and stay blessed.


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