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Hello, I’m Mary. I am a proud Nigerian, a high-school student, and an aspiring interior designer. I enjoy reading (mostly), writing, singing, dancing and basically all artistic hobbies. I love all genres of music, as I am open to all kinds of music, especially Afrobeat, K-pop, and classics. I don’t think I presently have a particular niche right now nor am I certain of what exactly my blogging niche is, but all I know is that I love art, design, education and learning new stuffs. I hope what I say to you through this blog influences you positively. Thanks for stopping by . YES! I AM BACK! And so is my profile! I wanted to upload this last month but…….it wasn’t convenient for me. I know most of you are wondering why I haven’t been posting for about 2 months now and you were guessing; “I knew she wouldn’t keep up, just like every other said-to-be aspiring blogger, I knew she would flop out”. No, No, No! That is certainly not

The Art of Being Organized (Part 1):

  How to stay organized as a student School life is not as easy as mom’s and dad’s think they are. During the 5 whole school days of the week, waking up as early as the morning crow, catching the school bus not too late/ walking for about 1km to your school, attending over a dozen classes a day and ensuring all your homework are done before you go to sleep and get ready for another hectic day isn’t something most students consider to be very serious about-most importantly- orderly about it. The life of a student/pupil/ `school-goer’ is partly dedicated to school, academics and education while the other half is for other things like hobbies, leisure, outings and just to live life. Although, many students claim school takes ‘most of their time’, (I wouldn’t really argue about) they use that as an advantage or excuse of being lazy, untidy and disorganized. Some students are well-organized and some are not . I wouldn’t necessarily blame those that are not bec