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The Art of Being Organized (Part 1):

 How to stay organized as a student

School life is not as easy as mom’s and dad’s think they are.

During the 5 whole school days of the week, waking up as early as the morning crow, catching the school bus not too late/ walking for about 1km to your school, attending over a dozen classes a day and ensuring all your homework are done before you go to sleep and get ready for another hectic day isn’t something most students consider to be very serious about-most importantly- orderly about it. The life of a student/pupil/ `school-goer’ is partly dedicated to school, academics and education while the other half is for other things like hobbies, leisure, outings and just to live life.
Although, many students claim school takes ‘most of their time’, (I wouldn’t really argue about) they use that as an advantage or excuse of being lazy, untidy and disorganized. Some students are well-organized and some are not. I wouldn’t necessarily blame those that are not because of, you know-the excuse I mentioned earlier-yet it doesn’t still give way to the fact that being orderly as a student, is both brilliant and beneficial.  Those students that immediately they come home from school throw their school items away and those ones that arrange them properly are both students,  right?, but which one do you think will be easier to get ready for school in the morning?, the ones who carefully arrange their belongings once they arrive from school…..because they are orderly.

Moreover, being organized as a student doesn’t only involve the way you  arrange your belongings but also things like scheduling your time, studying abilities, personal routines and many more I will share with you later on.
 Staying organized, as a student in particular, boosts your brain functioning and concentration, aids with your personal care routines, moderates health, to name a few. Anyways, here are some few ways you can stay organized as a diligent, brilliant, and hardworking student. As always, I keep it simple;

1.     You need a diary!

First and foremost, purchase a diary of your own. Not your sis’, not your cousin, Bella’s……YOURS.

When you guy’s hear the word diary, you always think …..Girls, girls and more GIRLY GIRLS!!! But that really isn’t what you should be focusing on. Focus on the benefit of having a diary or a journal (to be less girly) which is really many.

Keeping track of what you do in a day, every day, helps to guide you for the following day and the next. You can also write down things you did that day and reflect on it the following day  or you can decide to discard a previous `fail’ or `wrong act’ you didn’t like and promise yourself to be better.

·         Having a diary also helps you keep track of all your academic results/ welfare and your grades-whether good/bad-and inspires you to push harder.

2.     Form a solid routine

You’ve got tons of daily, weekly and bi-monthly (even tri-monthly) skin care and hair care routines you follow faithfully but do you have even one school routine you think you follow?

 Do you even know what that is?

 A school routine is like a combination of different routines to form a solid routine during the school days. This means…… add your firm skin care and hair care and body care routines or whatever and fuse them into a solid routine that can easily be followed during the school days.

Why is this necessary? Well, there is one thing we teen girls and students generally know; we take lots of hours prepping for school and prepping for bed. This results to going to school late and sleeping late due to messing up of other routines you have. This can be prevented if you can just sit down for at least 30 minutes and carefully plan and form a solid yet simple routine you can follow that won’t affect you or your school in any way.

3.     Place sticky notes on your wardrobe or fridge to remember things you are to do

ü  Mow the lawn
ü  Wash the dishes
ü  Buy Henry’s feed
ü  Buy the groceries from the store
ü  Do homework; English and social relations

Putting sticky notes on the items you see every day is a good way of remembering yourself to do things you unintentionally forget or remember then forget again because you are to do something else!

Anyways, it is a very helpful way of keeping yourself organized and up-to-date `with your life’ (I guess) and surroundings so nothing else can affect your school life and education. You can place sticky notes on the counter, on the fridge, on the wardrobe or even in the mirror in your bathroom. You can put on the items you know you use and see every day in your house; that will help to aid your memory and help you carry out the task eagerly.

·         Just make sure your big bro doesn’t see any one that is “FOR MARY ONLY” if you know what I mean?!

4.     Early to rise, early to prep!

Wake up earlier than you even your family so you can do some chores and act as a helping elf before you scurry to school.

Like I said before, most students (mostly females) always have a lot going on while prepping. That’s why we need at least 3 hours! But then, what if the bus is leaving 8:00 or your mom drops you at 7:45 but you wake up around 6:00?  You would just have to go without that scarf you wanted to wear or the pink cheeks you were puffing before you heard the honk of your mom’s car.

In order for you to avoid that, you should wake up early or earlier than you usually so you can catch up with your other tasks and not let your prepping routine consume your entire day. If you wake up 6:00 normally, try waking up 5:30 to spare you some extra time.

·         You may even do some chores in the house or complete the homework you failed to complete the previous night. This will help keep your organized and prepared for the day.

5.     Use your nights well

As a student, you have 5 nights on and 2 nights off, 5 nights to be used well and 2 nights to be used the way you want. Those 2 nights off are Friday and Saturday night while the rest are school nights.

To be well organized as a student, ensure that you pack all your things you will need for school every school night; it can be to choose and iron your clothes or uniform, packing your books and notes or polishing your school shoes.

Get ready all your school items for the following day to avoid confusion in the early morning or to slow you down when starting your day. Your school nights aren’t meant for watching TV, playing games or handling your phone all night long.

·         It’s necessary that you prepare your school items foe the following day to increase your efficiency.

6.       Don’t leave your bed looking…….messy

Do you know that making your bed every morning immediately after you wake up helps boost your metabolism for the day?

Well, I don’t know the `science’ to explain it but it really does work! It’s all in the head I think; you know, Psychology?! (Yeah, I try to speak science and I say gibberish instead!)

Making your bed after waking up psychologically helps to boost your mind’s and brain functioning to kick-start your day on a good note. That’s why it helps boost metabolism.

 When your brain is hyped, your whole body tarries along!

This petty thing does a great deal in keeping you organized-as a student-and makes your entire mid familiar with being tidy and orderly.

·         That small habit can affect you massively! Trust me! Would you care to try it out?

7.     Simplify your tasks

Clean the backyard
ü  Recycle cans and take out the trash
ü  Rake the leaves
ü  Water the flowers
ü  Clean the hoses and store them

Huge tasks are what most students fear the most and we always reply with a, “No, I’ve got lots of homework to do plus you can tell Mark to do it, he’s staying at home tomorrow” or a, “What, That much? You know the holidays are over and you always say I should focus on my studies really well. I’ll try to do them during the weekends”.

I know we’ve got a lot of things going on as a student and lots of things to balance out but it doesn’t still take away the fact that before you are a student, you are a son or daughter, brother or sister to your loving mom and dad and other relatives. Obeying your mom when she orders you is respectful and just. Giving her a bunch of silly and irrelevant excuses and attitude isn’t fair and good.

 If you want to avoid this, break down those tasks that seem impossible to finish into smaller tasks you can do one by one or day by day, if you are a really hectic student.

·         Make sure you finish it quickly to keep your mom from yelling at you.

8.     To-do-list? It’s a must!

Writing a to-do-list is one of the easiest and commendable ways of keeping yourself organized and orderly.

 You have lots of things on your mind; some are important, most are not. Yet, you seem to remember the unimportant ones and completely forget the important ones.

The solution to this problem is a basic to-do-list.

 This means writing down things you are to do on a piece of paper, in a book or better still, on your phone and taking  the to-do-list everywhere you go to remind you.To-do-lists are the simplest ways of organizing yourself and prevent messing up of your daily activities.

When you write a to-do-list you have to tick all the items……OR ELSE……….


 It just gives a sense of fulfillment to tick items off a to-do-list.

9.     Set rules for yourself

Curfews, bed time, study sessions and whatsoever are ways of setting rules to guide you as a student.

Setting rules-you must try to follow-for yourself can help to guide yourself in maintaining a balanced school life and your life outside school. Set rules for the things you are trying to do away with like late-night chatting or early morning calls, and stick with the rule.

Don’t try to go against your own decision by violating the rule you set. It may affect your mental health, physical health and eventually your academics.

·         There are some things you can’t do without but once you resume schooling, you need to learn how to sacrifice. Remember, there is a time for everything.

10.                        Get enough sleep

All these tips I’ve mentioned are going to be done properly in a well-rested and energized mind and body.

That’s why you need your beauty sleep.
Sleep relaxes you after the day’s hectic school work and tasks alike and it also prepares you for the following day’s activities.
If you are not well-rested, you won’t be able to plan your day efficiently and it may lead to you being a disorganized student.

 Sleeping well is a must in achieving the aim of being a diligent and tidy student who is ready for the school work and has everything on point around him.

·         Don’t joke with your Z’s. If you can’t beat them during classes, catch them at night.

Staying organized as a student is really essential if you want to have a successful semester and no academic problems. Being organized as a student involves being organized as person, so you have to be a tidy person before you can think of being a tidy student.
Learn to plan all you do well, use your time efficiently, stick to simple and solid routines, perform tasks at the right time so it would not affect your school work and form an easy habit of keeping your bed looking neat before you go to school.


Thanks so much for reading this post. I hope you learnt something from this post, and it inspired you to be more organized and orderly with your school work an items. Yes! School has begun again and it’s twice as hectic because you enter a new semester or a new class. The work doesn’t get easier but harder and that’s why it’s very important and necessary to keep yourself organized and your surroundings in a haphazard manner to increase your level of concentration, your personal health and keeps you feeling fresh and fit.
I know my posting is getting irregular and is reducing, I’m really sorry for that. As soon as I resumed, the wok started too (Because of the extra holiday). That’s why I posted once last week and apparently this week too. I will try harder to be faithful with my posting.

Please leave a tip of your own and comment if this post was helpful, share to those people who need it and follow for more thoughts from me-Njoki!

Thanks once more for your loving support. 

Stay tuned and stay blessed.


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