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Hello, I’m Mary. I am a proud Nigerian, a high-school student, and an aspiring interior designer. I enjoy reading (mostly), writing, singing, dancing and basically all artistic hobbies. I love all genres of music, as I am open to all kinds of music, especially Afrobeat, K-pop, and classics. I don’t think I presently have a particular niche right now nor am I certain of what exactly my blogging niche is, but all I know is that I love art, design, education and learning new stuffs. I hope what I say to you through this blog influences you positively. Thanks for stopping by.


I AM BACK! And so is my profile!

I wanted to upload this last month but…….it wasn’t convenient for me. I know most of you are wondering why I haven’t been posting for about 2 months now and you were guessing; “I knew she wouldn’t keep up, just like every other said-to-be aspiring blogger, I knew she would flop out”. No, No, No! That is certainly not the case. I know I can’t escape the fact that I did kinda flop out for about 2 months, for confidential and blog-related reasons, but I hope you guys realize that I do appreciate blogging and truly promise to be dedicated to it from this day forward. IT’S A PROMISE.

Now, let’s go to the main topic.

 I recently have made some major changes and adjustments in my blog, which sort of changes my entire blog itself and that’s my niche. I have had problems choosing my blogging niche ever since I decided to be a blogger and it has really been tough for me, even as I reached a month as a blogger. I have been thinking for a while and have still not decided on a blogging niche, but I will try to center all my posts on a `niche’. As you all know, I started as a lifestyle blogger and now I have chosen to go a little bit further and uniquely defined my niche as `ACADEMIC LIFESTYLE’. It sounds so odd yet unique, right?! I know, I know, it took me a second to come up with a name!
Although, I have not seen this kind of niche before or as a popular one, I will go with it because it’s one I am both passionate and considerate about. By that meaning, I do love and enjoy most topics under lifestyle blogs and also consider most topics under academic/educational blogs helpful and informative, giving me a balanced interest for both niches resulting in my combo decision.
Some major reasons for this sudden and yet awaited decision is:

1.     I really love school!

I am one of the oddest and weirdest teens you’ve seen, like ever, because of my surprising love for school and education mostly. I really love gaining information, which explains my best hobby, READING. Apart from hectic weekdays, numerous lectures and lots of projects and homework, the joy you experience going to school is better (to me) than when you are homeschooling. With this, I implemented my interests in education and educational lifestyle to form this beautiful niche.

2.     Content is literally everywhere!

Unlike the time I just started blogging which is 4 months ago, content creation was something I always struggled with. Even though most experienced bloggers say that when you are passionate about your blogging niche, it won’t be a problem creating content. Funny enough, it was for me. I know I was passionate about lifestyle as my niche, yet after the adjustment in my niche, I already have 20 posts ideas! What a miracle!

3.     It’s a great combo if you think of it

Of all the combos I have come up with in my life, from baked beans plus soymilk to texting and brushing while using the toilet, this blog niche is my absolute favorite. Not only is it catchy, but it’s also quite concise and holds a lot of meaning in it.
      Mixing lifestyle topics with academic ones are quite fascinating and I hope to show you from my point of view what I’m talking about.

4.       Credit goes to my brother first!

I have been stating from the beginning of this post that it was my decision to refurnish my niche, but it was actually my big brother who gave me the inspiration to do so. He actually advised me to do so and I am really grateful to him so shout at to my big bro, Moses!

5.       It’s gonna be a jolly ride!

I’m really happy to see how this new improvement turns out( I know for good).  It will surpass my normal lifestyle topics and ideas such as; beauty, health, fitness and so on. It will require my utmost concentration, dedication and of course your motivation and support.
I can’t wait to get going on this ride.

NOTE: the posts will consist of several topics ranging from my school notes to my school habits and tips.


Thank you so much for reading this post. I am very grateful to you for tuning back, after such a long time. God bless! Also, the old posts aren’t going to be changed regardless of the change in the niche, so don’t be considered about that. Don’t forget to come back and check out my new posts before this week runs out.

Stay tuned and stay blessed.


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