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How to get a thigh gap: the 7 easy steps

How to get a thigh gap the 7 easy steps

Have you seen swimsuit models that have slim legs and wide thigh gaps or your favorite celebrity idols that have perfect legs and every time they are in shorts or skinny jeans, the one thing that catches your eye is their thigh gap.

As for what I’ve seen on the web and drama series, Asian girls tend to have the best inner thigh gaps. I swear! The k-pop idols, actresses and models; all of them!!!!

Then you just wonder and ask yourself; aren’t I a human being like them? Sure, they are rich, influential, and famous and whatever but we’re still all humans so why can’t I have a thigh gap as good or better still wide as theirs? Why can’t I have those sexy slim legs girls my age dream about?

The problem, solution, and answer is YOU. Yeah, YOU!

Of course you can have a thigh gap better than theirs if you change your lifestyle, follow some easy tips I will give you and combine several methods. So if you want that dream thigh gap, keep on reading.

1.   Strengthen your thighs

In order for you to see a difference in your thighs, you have to train and strengthen your thighs by doing exercises. If you want a pet dog to like you, you have to gain its trust and train it to listen to your commands. That’s exactly what you have to do with your thighs, well not the commands. You can’t tell your thighs to sit or roll over. Hah! Hah!

Anyways, doing series of exercises at least 30 minutes a day and repeating them every day your body-thighs-becomes accustomed to it and has no other choice but to comply with the way you want them to be.

·         Do sidekicks or curtsy lunges for strong thighs.

2.  Know your body type

There are three basic body types namely; ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph.

Endomorphs are the skinnies, mesomorphs are the ripped while endomorphs are the fatties.
 If you are an endomorph and you want to lose weight, you should know that much effort would be put and it would be harder than a mesomorph. The same goes for an ectomorph who wants to gain weight.
That’s why it is necessary for you to know what body type you have and work towards losing or gaining weight, putting your body type in your mind.

·         Look in the mirror and examine yourself. Are you ecto, endo, or meso. Keep that in mind.

3.  You need loads of fiber and protein

You need lots of fiber and protein in your diet.

 Fiber helps food move through the body while protein helps with bodybuilding, what better combination is there?

It is necessary to add lots of protein foods to your diet because it isn’t only necessary but vital for stabilizing fat in your body i.e. separating excess fat from good fat and toning your muscles.It is essential for those who want to lose weight to include foods rich in protein to every meal they eat in a day.

·         Some cereals that are rich in fiber are rice, wheat, barley, oats and guinea corn.
·         Eat foods like beans, peas, lentils, groundnuts, beef, eggs, fatty fish and meat to get edible amounts of protein every day.

4.  Cut back on refined carbs

You have heard almost everywhere you go and people mention ‘losing weight’ and every blog post you have read about weight loss, but it is still the most essential point to take note of in the journey to lose fat.   

Carbohydrate is the class of food responsible for the addition of bulky fat into the body.

 If the carbs are then refined, the body responds differently to it and may cause obesity if it isn’t burned. You can eat fairly large amounts of carbs(refined and unrefined), but ensure you are performing activities to burn them.

·         Energy bars, sodas, and candy sticks; take them once…….in a month.

5.  Alternate your workout routine

Sticking to the same workout every day isn’t enough to challenge your body.

 If you want to really train and strengthen your thighs, do a certain workout today then a different one tomorrow. Push your body to the limit and your thighs would get used to the routine. It is really nice to try new exercise and workouts to get your body accustomed to that routine and improve drastically.

·         Do a squat today then a lunge tomorrow changing exercises train your body to obey you.

6.  Drink green tea

Green tea has been known and is still known as one of the finest teas in the whole world.

It has so many health benefits but we will be focusing on its capability of reducing weight.
Green tea has high antioxidant properties which slow down the formation of fat and contains Vitamin C which is good for vital health and prevents diabetes.

·         Start your day with a cup of green tea or before your workout. It helps boost metabolism.

7.  Go for a jog with a smoothie in your hand.

Jogging is one of the best aerobic exercises that help lose fat easily and effectively. #

It is the fastest exercise that makes you sweat a lot and keeps your heart pumping through the workout.
Also, drinking fruit smoothies before, during or after a jogging session really helps to replenish energy in your body and calming the nerves after the workout because of the presence of vitamins and protein.

·         Go for a jog in the morning for about 15-30 minutes with a smoothie. It will help you get started for the day.


I hope this post was helpful and you enjoyed it. The 7 tips listed above are what I think are important to remember when striving towards having a visible thigh gap. I know, it would take time and sometimes the result isn’t that close to perfect, but if you are devoted, follow these few lifestyle changes and believe in yourself, nothing is impossible,
If you have any other tip in mind concerning this topic and you know it would be helpful, please leave a comment.

Thanks for reading.

Stay tuned and stay blessed.


·         Have a workout schedule and follow it diligently.
·         Do not be discouraged by the realization of your body type, but love yourself and work towards better possibilities.
·         You basically need 25-35grammes of fiber and 75-100 grams of protein; per day so eat lots of veggies and legumes and snack on nuts with yogurt.
·         When you get to a restaurant, if you see a burger on the menu, order a salad instead. Your choice will pay.
·         Challenge your body by doing different series of workout but don’t overwork your muscles to the extent it gives up on you.
·         Drink 2 cups of green tea a day with a touch of lemon and a spoon of honey. It works hidden wonders!


·         Don’t be lazy and easily discouraged
·         Don’t let what people say about your appearance (body type) pull you down.
·         Don’t take too much carbs a day. A maximum of 30-45kg a day is the bets.
·         Don’t eat refined carbs no matter how healthy they look e.g. chips.


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