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how to look beautiful without makeup

Are you always looking at pics of your favorite actors/actresses and envying their perfect skin?

 You ponder and wonder why your skin isn’t as ‘perfect’ and flawless as theirs even without makeup. You wonder how do I look beautiful naturally.

 Of course, you do the basic skincare routine; cleanse, tone and moisturize but you just can’t say to yourself my “my skin is PERFECT” because you feel it isn’t as good as it can be.

Even the daily effort of putting on makeup just seems to wear you out and you’ve given all hope left in you to feel beautiful again.

 Don’t be discouraged because you have just seen the post that would guide you to having the sense of beauty and feeling pretty always, with or without makeup.

 Besides, makeup generally means to modify once physical appearance either by adding varieties of cosmetics to one’s face or by changing the clothing or accessories you wear. The makeup, in this case, is the cosmetics you apply to your face. Eye shadows, lip liners, eyeliners, mascara, contours, and blush are all components of our makeup kits.
Ladies and women understand the stress of putting on makeup in the morning for about 2-3 hours, just makeup!

 Every single day!!!

And of course we flaunt it through the day but we still have to remove it at night. Sometimes you feel like not wearing makeup at all but a huge pimple burst out of nowhere and you still have to put it on. Nowadays, women have gotten so dependent on makeup to look beautiful enough for the world and that’s really sad.
I think everyone has a right to be beautiful without any cosmetics determining their level of beauty. It’s really heart aching when I watch YouTube videos about ladies that experience bullying because they are UGLY and serve makeup like it’s their god but it really shouldn’t be done.
       I guess my intro is getting too long, I’m sorry. I get really emotional about stuff like this (I’m literally weeping, lol). Anyways, here are 10 handpicked steps to look flawless without makeup. Here we go,

1.     You are beautiful.

You are pretty. You are beautiful. You are strong. You are awesome. You are flawless.

You are and can be anything you want to be.

If you don’t know this yet, then believe when I say that it’s true. Keep in mind that having self esteem is one of the greatest gifts you can have to overcome many obstacles in life including bullying or whatsoever.

 I f you don’t think you’re beautiful, then what difference does it make when others call you ugly? You have to learn to love yourself no matter what body you’re in, whether you’re fat or thin, tall or short, you shouldn’t feel discomfort in your body but love and embrace it wholeheartedly.

By having this thought in mind, carrying it everywhere you go and every second of your life, you will not only look but feel absolutely wonderful in the skin you’re in.

·         You are beautiful. I f you say, think it and believe it, IT IS.

2.      Have and follow a proper skincare routine

Most TV stars you see that have perfect skin to you don’t just wake up with it (maybe some do but I haven’t heard of it).

 The superstars you see on tv face their own insecurities but because of their wealth, they can have almost anything including flawless skin.

The point I’m trying to make is that they also have to face skin problems (naturally) but they know how to take care of it by being consistent in their routine (with their expensive products).

If you also want results like theirs, you should try to be consistent in their skincare routine since you are aiming for bare, good-looking skin. Back to the basics:

·         Cleanse twice daily.
·         Use toner twice a day.
·         Moisturize daily.
·         Apply sunscreen lotion.
 Just try your best to give your skin the TLC it needs to flourish without the use of makeup.

·         Be consistent in your skincare regimen even if it means you go back to basics.

3.     Eat well.

Like they say what you eat is what you are.

If you eat junk, you are junk. If you eat healthily, you are healthy.

Your body system is just like a plant you grow. If you water it adequately, it grows and blooms but if you starve it and expect it to grow, it becomes weak and eventually dies. Just like that, you are expected to give your body the vital nutrients to see visible results in your overall health and bodily appearance.

When you eat healthy, your entire body will thank you.

Don’t expect to stop seeing acne or pimple when you eat lots of oily foods.

It’s just not possible.

Give your body what it needs so you will see its true potential.

·         Have and stick to a diet with the simplest meal plan; carbs, more protein, lots of veggies & fruits with a glass of water.
·         Stay away from your deadliest enemy; fast food [junk food] no matter how tempting it is.

4.     Take care of any skin problems

It may be acne, eczema, pimples, discolouration or rashes.

Any skin problem that we constantly battle with has to come to an end and you’re the only one that can stop it. You can get the most expensive lotions, antioxidant serums and spot treatments or decide to go natural with easy DIY hydrating and clarifying masks.

Anyhow you want to do it, make it work out.

  Some skin problems like acne, pimples and eczema are as a result of puberty. It is understandable why most teens & youths battle with it and why it is also hard to do away with it but you can still clear up your skin if you really want to;

 By having a simple routine and feeling comfortable with it.

·         For teens that battle with skin problems (acne, eczema est.), you have to face the reality and try to love yourself. It will come to an end at a point in your life.
·         Don’t be too harsh with your skin. Use products that match the preference for your skin type.

5.     Be fit!!!

Being fit doesn’t only give you a perfect bod but also guarantees your                  
                safety from ailments/ diseases.

Being healthy comprises of fitness and diet.

If you aren’t fit, you will feel unhealthy because your body indicates it isn’t happy with the shape it’s in.

This means constant sickness and exhaustion/ fatigue.

 It is now your job to figure that out and work towards getting the body that is healthy for you and also attractive.

   Also, if you eat healthy and snack on nutritious foods without moving your body or working, all the fat compresses to form fatty tissues. This is because you are not doing anything to excrete (sweat) waste m matters (fat) from your body.

Even though it’s walking from your car all the way to your house to keep the groceries, that’s a way of burning fat if you didn’t know.

·         Step on a treadmill for 30 mins a day, work your muscles to the core.
·         Remember, “An idle brain is the devil’s workshop”.

6.     Good grooming

Good grooming means forming a personal routine for keeping yourself clean, neat and attractive.

 It is a personal care routine.

The key to looking your best is good grooming along with personal hygiene. Personal hygiene includes choosing & wearing clothes and other healthy habits.

The different parts of the human body are very important for a healthy life. These parts require good care and grooming so that they can function properly. Now, this involves taking care of your hair, eyes, nose, teeth, skin, hands, legs, nails and feet. Good grooming processes are:

Ø  Brushing your teeth.
Ø  Bathing twice daily.
Ø  Shampooing and conditioning the hair.
Ø  Styling the hair [girls] and haircuts [boys].
Ø  Not reading with poor light or staying close to the TV.
Ø  Trimming nails if they are too long.
Ø  Wearing fitted footwear and so on.

Following these basic grooming procedures help to improve your appearance and hygiene.

·          Do the simplest things that count even if it is wearing a slipper when doing laundry to avoid foot infections.
·          Personal hygiene is essential for good health and vitality.

7.     Have a good posture.

The way you carry your body when you stand, sit, walk and work is very important.

This is because it can affect your health, appearance, and ease with which you do your work. It is therefore very important that you carry yourself properly.
Posture means keeping the natural balance of the body aligned. A good posture can be developed by any healthy person. It requires determination and practice. Good posture enhances your appearance and gives the body a comfortable and relaxed feeling.
If your posture is poor, it may affect the functioning of the body organs as some of them are thrown off their natural position. It can also result in backache, tiredness, headache, etc.

  Having a good posture improves a person’s movement and activities.

·         Carry yourself with poise and dignity so people see you that way.
·         Sit well, walk well, read well and work well. Do these in good postures.

8.     Don’t be afraid to “experiment”.

You shouldn’t be afraid to try new things.

 Try a new choice of clothes, new hairstyles, new footwear or new accessories.
 Never be afraid to spice up your look with different things that could help improve your appearance. Even without wearing makeup, you can put on a hat, a floral gown, and sandals.

 Rock the look!!!

Sticking to only one hairstyle or the same shoe every day is commitment but also tends to get ...boring. It’s not bad to have a certain “style” or “signature fashion” but there’s no harm in exploring more possibilities. If you like wearing a ponytail every single day/ during summer, when there are over a thousand hairstyles in the world, then you don’t believe you are pretty enough to rock braids or short hair.

 It’s good to be open to new things. There are a lot of things out there for you to try, so what are you waiting for?

·         Wear a loafer today, sandal tomorrow and boots the next. TRY, TRY, TRY!!

9.     Don’t stress yourself.

You should stop being anxious over simple things and stop worrying about particular circumstances.

Stress is one thing you have to avoid at all costs. It isn’t healthy to stress yourself too much. It may lead to tiredness (fatigue). You should avoid overworking yourself and avoid anxiety as much as possible.

When stress takes a toll on you, it causes unhappiness, unfriendliness, sluggishness and not appreciating one’s self. It also prevents a person from doing work. Most importantly, it leaves a mark in your health and liveliness.

Rest is the cure for stress or fatigue. The nights sleep is the way of restoring the energy and rebuilding the body tissues which were used during the day.
 So ensure you get enough rest and sleep.

·         Break a big task into smaller tasks and do them in bits.
·         Rest after strenuous activities or exercises.


10.            Smile!

When you feel low, and everything seems hopeless, there’s only one thing you have to do, SMILE!!

Always be positive, hopeful and believe in YES not NO.

Hope for the best and not the worst.

Smiling keeps your enemies away and friends closer.

 Always put a wide and genuine smile on your face because you don’t know where it will take you. Just be optimistic and everyone will feel your good vibe and start to appreciate you for your confidence and positivity.

Side note: Smiling is a great way to passively exercise your cheekbones and improves the entire appearance of your face.

·         Be confident in yourself and face the world with a smile. You can even add a couple of whites to the smile.
·         Never give someone a reason to frown because you will have no reason to smile.


 Thank you very much for reading and I really hope this post helps you see the true beauty even behind without the makeup. I am really happy that I have the chance to show you that you are beautiful no matter what and I believe you see it too. If you have any other useful tips that gives you flawless skin without makeup, please leave a comment.

 Thanks again.

Stay tuned and stay blessed.


ü  Wake up, go to the mirror and tell yourself what you love so much about you. It’s a great way to start your day.
ü  Wear moisturizer daily {the one that has SPF is nice}.
ü  Exfoliate twice a week.
ü  Use toner to balance PH. The best should be alcohol-free.
ü  Always remove makeup before going to sleep. NEVER FORGET!!!
ü  Wash your face twice a daily.
ü  Look for acne treatment creams that contain benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid.
ü  Brush twice a day.
ü  Apply an eye serum twice a day.
ü  Eat lots of lean meat and fatty fish for radiant skin.
ü  Use the best posture for a given task/ work to enhance productivity and efficiency.
ü  Work your muscles every day.


û  Don’t intimidate others. Encourage them so they will do the same to you.
û  Don’t ever pop a pimple.
û  Never go out in the sun without sunscreen. UVA/UVB rays aren’t a joke.
û  Don’t skip mealtimes especially breakfast.
û  Don’t perform any activity with a poor posture.
û  Avoid oily foods for good skins.




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