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tips for the holidays

School is over!!!!

No more teachers, no more notes, no more reading for tests or exams and most importantly, no more waking up early in the morning. For my readers who are students striving to balance their academic and social life, I guess you know the joy of writing the final exam for the semester and the announcement;

                       “school is officially over everyone, have a lovely holiday”.

Although school is important, interesting and good for one's social status, there are certain times of the year that all students look forward to and that is;


A time for one to throw the books and stationeries aside, relax in a hot tub with your shades on, a slice of pizza and a bottle of soda.

Even though a lot of students get excited about their holidays, the majority fail to plan what they are to do when the time comes.
In this post I will share with you 10 tips on getting ready for the holidays (these are personalized).

1.     Focus on finishing well

I think that what most students face in planning for their holiday is too much expectation that they forget their studies which leads to bad results. It is okay for a student to start planning for their holidays from the beginning of the semester but it is advisable to pay more attention to their academic results also considering plans for their holidays.

This means that you should plan your time well. You should have time for reading and use your leisure time to do creative things.

2.     Design a schedule

 Like I stated before, it is essential for you to create a schedule that determines the activities you do in a day; be it in school or at home. Keeping and following a schedule is necessary for students that want to balance their studies with extracurricular activities (planning for the holidays), which wouldn’t hinder their learning.

3.     Be calm

Worrying and being too agitated over your vacation is not the best thing for your education and health. Emphasizing it may cause stress and other mental illnesses that are not good for you. There is a need for you to take things slowly and always be calm so as not to provoke unnecessary illness.

4.     Shut your ears to others “opinions”

Many students I know and I’ve come across have experienced something in common; 

                                          PEER PRESSURE!!

It is common for any adolescent to face peer pressure. This is because of the growth process and hormonal imbalances, but you can still overcome this if you want to. Your friends’ opinions may prevent you from planning successfully for your vacation. It is not a bad thing to accommodate your friends’ ideas but you shouldn’t let it overshadow yours.

5.     Be economical

This may sound petty to all those “Big Thinkers” out there but it is of great importance when planning for the holidays. Little teens won’t really understand this yet but others will. You can’t plan to go to Disney land when your mom and dad have a combined salary of just ₦185000 ($500) per month. It is sad but you have to face reality.

Try to be practical. Like the proverb which says “cut your coat according to your cloth”. I’m pretty sure you all know the meaning.

6.      Write a very long bucket list

This doesn’t necessarily mean writing a 16 page or 4000 words bucket list.

It simply means writing out a list of things you want to do/ achieve during your holiday. It can be places you want to go to, sights you want to see, skills you want to develop and all sorts of interesting things you wish to do, then just aim for it and give it a go.

It is also said that having bucket lists and ticking each item you’ve done gives a feeling of fulfillment that boosts one’s self esteem.

7.     Advice others

I know, I know you’re thinking “if I don’t take advice from others, why should I suggest to them?”

It may counter tip 4 but it is agreeable that helping others bestows good fortune on you and also, when you advise others it may invoke different splendid opinions on your vacation which will help you in your planning.

8.     No bragging, please

One thing most teens face is the feeling of belonging, not like it’s a bad thing but not to the extent that you brag then mock fellow students’ opinions.

I personally think to boast about one’s plans is not wise although it feels good. You should learn to keep your mouth shut when necessary and talk when supposed to without being pompous and intimidating.

9.     Tell a friend

By friend, I mean your mum, dad, brother, sister, or close relative.

Informing your parents about your big plans is important so as not to affect their own plans for you. You can also tell your best friend(s) so you would share ideas with one another.

10.                        Always be positive

                                   Yes! Yes! Yes!

The only thing that can make your entire day totally awesome is a big wide smile.

It is stupid to say but true. When your mind, body, and soul are at peace and everything around you are like dazzling bulbs of hope and joy, then you’re good to go!!

Just be optimistic and ready to try new things


These are my top 10 tips that can improve your efficiency in planning for your vacation. You can pick the ones that you find interesting but they are all effective. Don’t forget to be creative in your plans but also be practical and realistic.

Thanks so much for reading this post and I hope you enjoyed it.

     Stay tuned and stay blessed.

Happy holidays!!!!!


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