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Back- to-school series: Part 1

Back- to-school series Part 1

Back-to-school: What I’m doing

Hey guys.
As you all know, the holiday is coming to an end and school is drawing nearer. In a number of days and nights, we may have to say goodbye to all-night phone privileges or even watching TV past 9:00 at night and waking up as late as possible.


I know, I know. I don’t feel like resuming school so early after a few weeks of holiday (alright it was 2 months but it ain’t enough for me) but what other choice do we have? If it was up to my mom alone, I could still have a bonus week of rest and prep to myself but……… dad is around and he so dislikes the idea of missing a day of school (I believe all dads are like that) once it opens and I bet he would want me to resume school as early as possible. What I’m just praying for is that I would be able to persuade him to allow me to stay for an extra 3 days before resuming school…………so, yeah, on Wednesday. I would have 5 bonus days! Anyways, it isn’t only you that is hyped and prepping for school resumption. I also have some stuff under my sleeves and I would like to share.

I’m sorry I forgot to post my 2019 summer bucket list. It was meant to be this Monday but something occurred and I replaced with another but I will post it very soon. Okay, guys; take a look at what I’m doing to get fully prepared for high school.

in progress

Back-to-school: What I’m doing

Back-to-school equipments 
To buy;

    2 pairs of shoes; 1-Velcro 1-flats
    3 bags; 1-drawstring 1-travel/school bag 1-minibag
    7 pairs of socks; 3-long 2-medium 1-short
    2 wristwatches; 1-analog 1-digital
    1 portable food flask(stainless steel)
    1 water bottle(stainless steel)
    2 mini padlocksûû
    2 eyeglasses; 1-transparent frame 1-black frame
    2 handkerchiefs;  1-cotton hankie 1- wool hankie
    All textbooks storybooks and novelsû

To-do list (working on it)

    Wrap exercise books and textbooksû with wrapping paper
    3-day back-to-school skin-care routine: Friday, Saturdayû, Sundayû
    Laundry; school uniform, sweaterû, blazer& sportswear
    Make DIY jotters(3)


Thanks for reading. I hope you got inspired to include in your own back-to-school to-do-list. As you can see, mine is currently in progress. Some stuff aren’t ticked but I assure you, I will be done with everything before I start school(I hope so[lol] because sometimes I don’t finish these to-do-lists but I will for you guys). Anyways, I might be posting 2-3 times a day. I can’t really say until I resume schooling but I will try to post 2 times a week. My school weekdays are always hectic, but some other weekdays aren’t, so I may possibly post 3 times those weeks.
 Also, after this post, I will post another today: my 3-day back-to-school skin-care routine. I wanted to publish this post yesterday so I would post the routine this morning, but……………yeah! It will all still work out. I just want to show you guys what I’m doing to prep for my school resumption that’s why I made it a Back-to-school series. I will post maybe 4-5 posts before Monday morning, I hope your phone doesn’t bail on you to catch my latest posts and see exactly what’s going over here.  My little bro, on the other hand, is less concerned and agitated than I am even though he got transferred to another school. Guys…hunh?!!!
Please, don’t forget to leave a comment; what you’re doing to prep for school and what’s going over there. Share to as many people as you possibly can and tell me it this post truly inspired you in any way.

Thanks again for your time.

Stay tuned and stay blessed.

Prep to perfection!

(Geez, this was my longest conclusion ever [LOL]).


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