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How to identify and improve your hidden Talents

How to identify and improve your hidden Talents

What are hidden talents really?
            You’ve heard of hobbies and also talents, but what in the world are hidden talents? Are they just a rip-off of the word talent or a counterpart word for a hobby? Well, according to Chambers students’ dictionary, hidden means concealed, out of sight or unknown while talent means a special ability or skill; an old measure of weight for gold or silver, but we only need the first definition, Therefore, we can presume after joining these two definitions together that hidden talents are concealed or unknown special abilities or skills (possessed by someone/thing). When talents are said to be hidden in one’s mind it indicates that the talents are yet to be discovered by the person.
          However, most people misunderstand and the general idea of hidden talents being special and mistake it for common hobbies and talents. There is a huge gap in exception among those three words and I will explain further;

                            Hobbies---- a favorite way of passing your spare time
                             Talents-----a special ability or skill
                             Hidden talents----concealed/unknown special ability or skill
            From the definitions listed above, you can see that talents and hidden talents are somehow alike in a way and both can be done as hobbies. To sum it up, ‘hobbies’ is the broad term for both talents and hidden talents.
Moving forward, mastering hidden talents are ways of boosting one’s self-love, reforming one’s belief of him/her self and overall self-education and discovery.
Here are 10 tips that I’m positive would help in the discovery, acceptance, improvement, and perfection of your hidden talents;

1)    Sit down, close your eyes and meditate

Meditation has been proven as a very good and helpful activity for the overall wellbeing of a person.

 Meditation helps reduce stress, prevents/controls hormonal imbalances, promotes better thinking/brainstorming and most importantly opens your mind to your inner thoughts and dreams.
 It may seem hard and demanding to ensure a peaceful environment when meditating although it is quite advisable but I really think that it’s the concentration of the person that wants to practice it than the environment.
You can be at work and during tea break; keep your stationery, close your eyes, relax your entire body and just.........meditate.

 It’s really that simple!

If you want to go deeper but not too deep then arrange some quiet time for yourself and proceed.If you are really serious when doing it, you may get hints on what that hidden talent of yours is.

2)    Ask for advice 

 In gaining knowledge and achieving success, you have to be humble.

 You shouldn’t feel self-important and excessively dignified. You should be meek and don’t be ashamed to ask for help, mostly if you’re just starting the journey of both discovering yourself and your hidden talents.

Being egocentric is what leads so many people to failure and stops them from discovering let alone mastering their hidden talents.

Asking your parents, older siblings, cousins, aunt or mature relative for advice isn’t that badly mainly because of their experience. You can also ask the teachers in your school for some advice/tips they have to give you.

3  Get a counselor
A counselor is someone who gives advice.


Having a counselor is essential in your passion for talent hunting because you would need to have someone to guide, instruct, chasten when wrong, advise, admonish, modify, observe, pacify and encourage you as you draw closer and closer to discovering your hidden talent.

You can tell your mom and dad about it and if they agree then you are indeed lucky.  

Counselors may be in the form of vocal instructors, sports coaches, dance instructors, art teachers to mention a few.

All you need to do is to find a counselor that conforms to the talents you have at hand then he/she will gradually start to see the hidden talents in you i.e. determining his/her level of accountability. You should avoid being contemptuous towards your counselor but in consonance with him/her to acquire knowledge and wisdom.

4)    Get knowledge 

There are lots of ways of possessing knowledge about something/one/place including the last point I explained above.

The inexcusable and efficient way is the internet.
 Being in the 21st century, literally, everything is on the internet. Looking for a cake recipe, job opportunities, places to travel or whatsoever? Just type the keyword in a search engine and see more than 1000 results. Plus, there are lots of ways to gain and share knowledge on social media like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr to name a few.

The point is that there are tons of ways you can gain knowledge about anything you want if you look in the right places. I emphasize on the internet being at the top of the peak for information sharing and alike resources because it is in the world today.

  You can check various websites and blog posts like mine of course(I should’ve said this in the beginning) to see different opinions on discovering hidden talents and improving them; also watching YouTube videos is more appealing to teens and youths today than reading a long post of 5000 words.
 I can just watch a minute video that is more detailed, right?

 Well if you don’t see that satisfying, you can go back to the old school and ask for help, face to face, like point 3, a counselor or relative.

 In fact, as annoying as you guys seem for you to hear this,
Education is the key!

 Although, not every single thing is taught in school but if you can get the basics, it can take you a long way.

5)    Use your spare time wisely

If you are someone that likes playing video games or binge-watching an action movie during your leisure time, you have got to stop!!!

  I know that your leisure time is the only time you’re free from work and school, so that calls for relaxing and enjoying to the fullest the only time you have to yourself, but, in the spiritual and the mental journey you’re embarking on, it would be beneficial to both yourself and your mental health if you use your spare time for useful things like reading inspirational books, meditation, and other helpful activities.

 Your spare time is the only time you can fully take pleasure in many activities of your choice though it would be wise to use the time to accumulate as much knowledge as your brain can take to improve your talents, taking the next step forward.

6)    Have an agenda

I recommend having a layout/list of things to do or achieve in a day, week, month or even year.

Plotting out work, school and even leisure agendas is excellent if you want to balance these three components of life. It is good to organize all the activities you are going to do in a day and endeavoring to do it. It not only helps prevent being behind schedule but also aids in being schematic about your academics and adjusting other stuff like that.

  It isn’t that time consuming to write a bunch of goals and a list of things to do; you barely need a pen a paper, as simple as that!

It’s also nice to write feel-good notes like:

 You can do it!!                  Or                           Never give up!!

 in colored pamphlets and sticker notes and pin them to your mirror in your bathroom or on your fridge to make you “feel good” about yourself and keep you smiling.

7)    Have a journal

Initially, when you hear a 45-year-old civil servant has a diary, it sounds kinda silly but it's better when you hear that he has a journal.

 A journal and a diary are basically the same thing but owning a journal seem to be called more mature than a diary. That’s why a 45-year-old employed man having a diary seems a little bit odd. Well, it shouldn’t be.
  However, it is essential to keep track of your progress in either your diary or journal.

Writing your daily, weekly and monthly progress and achievements may encourage you and gives you zeal to accomplish more. For example, if you have discovered that your hidden talent is singing although you have a weird frog-like voice, singing gives you comfort, unlike any other thing. You get a vocal coach and within three months you start seeing improvements, of course, you would be happy and feel fulfilled.

 In another case, you may be also disappointed if you don’t see any improvements but if you do what you’re supposed to do and believe in yourself, I see no reason why you won’t see any progress.

Note: A jotter is different from a journal. Do not mistake one for the other.

8)    Join groups with the same interest as yours

Do you know a couple of groups that are/almost specialized in your hidden talent? It may be a good dance group or a spokesmen/women group, whatever it is.

 Try to find the best one that appeals to you and you only. If you have great friends that can act as connectors between you and them, ask them to help you out. If they help you out, lucky you. If not, well you just have to keep your eyes open and be observant of people and groups that are just like you.

Now, this doesn’t mean joining secret cults in the pretext of building up your hidden talents, no, no. What I mean is that being a member of a group that is able to accept you and put all their effort in helping you achieve your primary goal of identifying your hidden talents, is not so bad.

Besides having a membership of a famous+ educative club gives you a little prestige,
Don’t you think?

9)    Practice! Practice! Practice!

Practice guys, Practice!!!!

 You hear this in almost every interview of huge superstars mostly athletes. Some train for days tom perfect a skill, some months, others years and in success stories, their entire life1 it’s funny to think how a person with a life would dedicate it to perfecting only one skill or move of some sort that would only be helpful to him/her once in his/her lifetime [laugh]. Most Olympians testify to this as their main reason for success, who am I to judge then?

It is better to get rid of the mindset that putting all your dedication to a silly ‘talent’ is stupid and uncertain but actually if you really believe in yourself and want to use your hidden gift to make the world a better place, just keep on doing it.

Being consistent and never giving up is the key to the door of determination into your open future dreams and aspirations.

Just keep on practicing to improve whatever you want to improve.

You may be a good archer but you can’t hit that middle point. Months may pass by but the day you get it will be your D-day (greatest day).

 10)      Review yourself

You don’t need experts, professionals or critics to do this, please.

 You just need you, yourself and you.

With the help of your journal, when you get to the point that you feel accomplished you can reward yourself, tell the news and call it a day.

 Reviews may come in intervals; daily, weekly, monthly or yearly, anyhow you wish.

It all depends on your commitment and dedication. If you summarize your general aptitude and feel you still need a little more improvement, there’s no harm in resuming your journey with more hope and consistency.


I hope this post was helpful to you and gives you some opinions to help guide you in your journey of discovering and developing your hidden talent. There are so many people who can’t start, some start and stop halfway while others start, continue but end woefully. To all those who aim to be phenomenal in their hidden talent and be an ace,

Stay focused, dedicated and consistent.

Most importantly, stay blessed.

Like they say;        

                              The patient dog eats the fattest bone.


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