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How to make your friends laugh when they are with you (Funny enough?!)

How to make your friends laugh when they are with you (Funny enough!)

Are you always fond of making your friends moan anytime you enter the room?

 Are you tired of people calling you boring and unexciting?

Are you always trying to put smiles on the faces of your friends but instead, you get heavy frowns? 

No need for you to stress yourself by doing intentional “fails” and wearing uncomfortable clothing to give your friends a laugh.
Everyone has their own sense of humor, yours may be great. Actually, it’s not a good thing that every time you are in the in presence of your friends you seem to turn the good mood to………… level 0!!!!
 Having a good sense of humor helps to boost self-esteem, helps to build strong and lasting relationships and also makes you more loved, attractive and cherished. If you are lacking or want more tips, here are a few tips to step up your game. If you are the joker in your group of friends, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s ‘joke’ into it. (hunh, hunh or Nah?)
As always, I’ll keep it simple.

 1.            Be a nice person 


       If you aren’t someone who smiles a lot how can you expect smiles from others when you approach them? 
      You should be a nice, sweet, kind person; to your family, friends, and neighbors. Try to have a positive attitude at all times. When you do this, your friends would cherish you the more; in your absence and presence. 

       Some ways of showing your kind attitude are:

a)             Always smile and laugh

If you are always feeling down, how can you then be a clown amongst your friends? No one wants to be around someone who frowns and never giggles.

b)                 Tell jokes or puns

You can tell funny jokes and puns to your friends to make them laugh.

Tell jokes that aren’t offensive to them. Also, be sure to gesticulate when telling jokes, it adds more humor to the jokes. You know, move your hands funnily or shake your head like a bumble doll.
 Use puns like;
“What kind of cat likes to go bowling...Alley-cats!”
“How do you invite a dinosaur to lunch...Tea-rex!”
”Will glass coffins be a success...Remains to be seen!”.

c)     Have a care-free attitude

Be light-hearted and open to new people.

Have an interactive spirit and you will even gain more close friends. You would notice that being an extrovert pays a lot. Don’t hold unnecessary grudges but reconcile and keep your friends close.

The bottom line: BE FREE!!!

d)    Give your friends funny nicknames

Coming up with silly yet sentimental nicknames for your friends is a great way of always keeping your friends laughing when they are with you.

You can mix your friends' first name with animals’ to have a good laugh.
 You can use; Beth+monkey=Bethey
 Remove some letters from the name and add vowels e.g.  James=Jae
 You can just abbreviate the name e.g. Veronica=V.V

e)                 Compliment their appearance

If you see your friend has a new shade of lipstick on, compliment her. If it’s a new pair of boots, a compliment.
Always make your friends feel free and accepted around you.

2.                 Be an awesome pal

If you want your friends to smile whenever they see you, start by being a very awesome pal to hang out it.
You have to be a paddie to your friends.
 Know when you are meant to ‘be there’ and when your presence is needed. Always find ways to cheer up your friend by being supportive and reliable.
Some few ways of being the very best friend you can be are;

a)                     Come with silly board games

Always be there to lighten the mood of a situation.

When everyone seems bored, bring up a silly game idea and convince your friends to join in. It may be a game you just came up with in your head; anything that involves players and silly rules is nice. You can also convince your friends to play board games like snakes and ladders then cheat a little to mess with your friends. It’s all for a good laugh.

 b)                     Watch a funny show/movie together

You can tell your friends to go to the cinema to watch a movie together or you can just watch it at home.
You can also binge-watch comedy series/shows like The Big Bang Theory, Two and a Half Men, Fresh off the boat, Where’s the money, The Mask(one of my favorites) to name a few, on weekends to keep your moods hyped.

 c)     Tell your friends funny quotes

You can go look up the internet for funny quotes to tell your friend if he/she is sad or moody. 

Quotes like:
”People say nothing is possible, I do nothing everyday”
           “Life is short, smile while you still have teeth”
                        “I want someone to look at me the way I look at coffee”
“The more you weight, the harder you are to be kidnapped. Stay safe, eat cake”.

 You can also share some with your friends so they can tell their friends.

d)    Watch comedy shows

You can live stream comedy shows with your friends during the weekends or you can watch videos of famous comedians like Trevor Noah, to name a few. There are also channels on TV that comedy shows are shown so don’t miss them.

A good example is The Rickey Smiley show

e)     Send your friends funny pics, memes, emojis or videos

You can send your friend(s) funny pictures of animals or even nature.

 You can also send funny videos or watch them on TV. There are so many funny pics and videos on the web nowadays, that’s how memes came to exist.
Memes are the current ones; so you can send funny memes or post them in group chats with your friends to get tons of LOL’s. You can use funny emojis like the X-eyes knockout emoji or poop emoji which are hilarious to use in funny conversations.

3.     Mess around


 To always make your friends laugh when with you, it wouldn’t hurt to get just a little bit crazy and mess around for a while. Make sure you don’t go over the edge when acting ‘crazy’.
 Some few things you can do to keep the good vibes on and hype up your friends are;

a)      Bring up silly topics


When talking to your friend, you can bring up silly things/topics to talk about.

 You can talk about the silly shoes you wore, the way your friends laugh or even celebrity gossip. Talk about things that make no sense at all but are very hilarious.

b)    Wear funny outfits/costumes

You can wear silly costumes for outings with your friends.

 Maybe you want to go to the cinema to watch a Rom-com movie; you can wear a pirate outfit. Or maybe Halloween is in a couple of weeks, why the wait when you can rock the supergirl outfit to a trip to the mall with your girlfriends?!!
 Just wear costumes that make you stand out but not get the wrong attention.

c)     Tease your friend

You can annoy your friend a little; irritate them a bit by pestering them about something or someone.
You can also tease your friends by calling them names or teasing their appearances or behavior. Maybe your friend, Sheila laughs like a chicken, you can playfully call her Sheik but if it starts getting offensive to her, please stop.
 Don’t tease your friend in a way that is offensive. Don’t be obnoxious.

d)    Play pranks

Pull a practical joke on your friend if she feels sad and trick your pal if he seems bored.

Pranks are harmless ways of feeling and messing with people. Although, some pranks tend to be dangerous, make sure yours is harmless.
You can switch the sugar container with the salt container and give it to your friend to add to his cereal.

Such a sour scenario!!!!!

e)     Tell a funny story

You can tell your friends a funny story; it may be about a real experience or other narratives.
You can tell a funny thing that happened to you that day or the worst experience you have ever had. You may even exaggerate and put in some unbelievable things to make your friends laugh a lot.

 Feel free to practice your skills as a humorist.


Thanks for reading this post. There are so many ways to be an awesome friend with a good sense of humor. Making fun of yourself and telling jokes, teasing your friends and playing silly games. YOU ARE FREE TO BE FREE!!! No one has to call you a downer or killjoy anymore because you can be the best of friends you can be. You can be cherished and adored by your friends. Remember to have a great attitude towards your friends and everyone around you, be a cool and reliable friend that is always there and can be counted on. Be a friend that is always free-spirited to play and joke around with as if you were a kid again. Leave a comment if this post was helpful and don’t forget to spread the word.

Thanks again for reading.

Stay tuned and stay blessed.


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