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Reduce face fat in 5 easy steps

Reduce face fat in 5 easy steps

Losing fat in any part of the body isn’t as easy as you think.

Now, losing face fat is something really hard but not impossible.

You want a chiseled jawline, plumper cheekbones, and a defined nose. Achieving a defined face shape is not as easy as getting a thigh gap.
This is because the face is originally structured; this means your facial bones and muscles are already structured in a particular shape and the only way for it to look slimmer or more defined is to lose some face fat.

Remodeling your face shape is highly impossible except if you go for plastic surgeries and even implants only work on your facial muscles, not the bones itself.
Nevertheless, if you want to get the best results, you know the drill; change your lifestyle, take many steps and try different methods, but that might be a long way to go.
To be realistic, IT PRETTY MUCH IS!
 Don’t be discouraged, the journey might be long but rewarding. To get your slimmer, defined face shape with awesome facial features that fit together symmetrically, you need to commit yourself to eat better meals, working out your facial muscles and avoid certain things.

Well….here is some few steps that if taken properly, will help to reduce face fat and give you the shaped and slimmer face you’ve always wanted. As always, I try to keep it simple. Let’s jump into it.

1.     More potassium, less sodium

You need to say no to sodium and yes to potassium if you want to reduce fat in your face.


 This is because; sodium aids the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the body. Potassium, on the other hand, s involved in the electrolyte balance in the body and because of this, potassium is needed more in the body than sodium.
Furthermore, too much sodium in the body increases the absorption of fatty acids in the body and causes it to remain secreted in the stomach thereby making it hard to lose weight. In the facial structure and composition, there are some acids and mineral elements that are not good for it. One of them is hydrochloric acid and sodium helps this acid.
Eat fewer sodium foods and more potassium that helps with the balance of fatty acids and digestive enzymes.

·         Eat foods like potatoes, bananas, grapefruit, milk, peanuts, apples, and chicken.
·         Avoid foods like table salt (while cooking), seafood, cheese, beef, bacon, and yam.

2.     Drink more milkshakes

Milkshakes have high nutritional values due to the fact that milk is extremely rich in vitamins, proteins, healthy fats and carbs.

Milkshakes are good for those who want to maintain a healthy weight and ensure that they are only consuming healthy fat…..unlike fruit juices. It’s not that fruit juices are too bad and aren’t meant to be taken during weight loss programs. What I’m saying and the fact I’m stating out is that fruit juices contain sugar, right? And that sugar is mostly sweetened, caramelized or glazed. Both way, sugar is sugar and it is not wise to take sugar if you want to lose fats.
 Then again, milkshakes are healthier, more nourishing, filling and edible. Also, because of the presence of various vitamins (Vitamin D&E), carotene, protein, minerals (potassium, calcium, phosphorus) and healthy fats, it has much more to offer. It also has some facial slimming acids that can give you a well-defined face.

·         Milkshakes are very easy to whip up. You just need; obviously milk, honey, tomato juice, and ginger juice. Mix all the liquids together, then all you have to do is pour the shake in your water bottle and drink it before breakfast/brunch/lunch/dinner/as a super snack.
·         You can make “smoothie-shakes”. They are milkshakes that have the consistency of smoothies. Use fruits like banana, and guava and more raw milk. It should be; 40% fruit, 20% water, 30% milk and 10% sweeteners [honey].

3.     No oily foods/snacks

You can’t expect your fish pond to be empty as you’re draining it when you are still filling it up with more water, at the same time.

 It is the same as you can’t expect your face to be totally slim when you are filling it with fatty foods even though you drink 10 milkshakes a day and feed on greens only.

It doesn’t make a difference if you eat healthily and yet eat unhealthily.

You can’t throw the trash away then bring it back home to recycle and expect your backyard to be in order. You can’t hope for fat to go away miraculously even if you sweep it out but you feel it at the same time. Okay, okay, too many riddles.
 What exactly am I saying? STOP DRINKING OIL!!(Okay not literally speaking). I mean stop eating those foods that are packed with oil or have the littlest amount of oil in them. ou should stay away from fatty and oily foods/snacks mostly the ones that are saturated(they contribute to face fat).

·         Stay away from foods that are fried and packed with lots of sugar.
·         Avoid going to fast-food restaurants.

4.     Eat more face-thinning foods

If you want your floater to be ready for the pool, you need to blow air into it.

 Likewise, if you want your face to be slim, you need to eat foods that will help reduce fat in your face. You should consider eating foods that originally help lose fat in your whole body. Some specific foods that can help slim your face are; carrots, almonds, flax seeds, spinach, green tea, canned tuna, and sunflower oil.

Most of these foods are rich in potassium,, zinc, copper, phosphorus, Vitamin B1, B2 B3, B5, C, and E. These are a few out of many; just eat lots of greens and drink a lot of water and you’ll see good results.

·         Eat a salad today and snack on a bar of dark chocolate tomorrow. Make sure you alternate your meal preferences but only consume healthy face- thinning foods.
·         Sweet potatoes are rich in potassium so don’t forget to have a potato salad now and then.

5.     Facial exercises

As you have to work out to get a slim and fit body, you also need to work your facial muscles to get a slimmer and defined face.
 There are many ways to work your facial muscles including the way you talk, scream, gasp, make funny face when posing for a camera headshot and even when gaggling your mouthwash. These are all basic ways of exercising your face and there are more said-to-be efficient ways.
Some include; saying X and O, fish face, amazing face, fingers under the eye to name a few.

 You can have a facial workout every morning and night before you sleep.

·         An amazing and funny trick I do is….. Anytime I am watching wrestling (Yes, I’m a fan. Becky and Seth all the way!!!) and Randy Orton says the three most destructive letters in sports entertainment, R!....K!...O!, I repeat after him and say it 100 times more!!!


Thanks so much for stopping by. It was really fun writing this post. I believe you’re shocked to find out I’m a wrestling fan and I’m actually shocked myself too because I recently started watching and enjoying wrestling early this year. Ever since then, it’s just stuck to me. Anyways, I hope these few tips are enough to help you get the symmetrical, well-defined and finer face you’ve wanted. You basically have to follow the rules of weight loss to achieve your goal since fat is fat, whether in your thigh or face. Follow the basic rules, stick to the basic principles and continuously picture the realistic and your more defined face in your head (immediately after you wake up and before you sleep or all the time if you possibly can!!!). I wish you the best of luck in your journey. Make sure you leave a word if these tips helped you and drop a tip or question. Don‘t forget to tell others and share the info.

Thanks again for your time.

Stay tuned and stay blessed.


ü  Eat more boiled potatoes.
ü  Drink chocolate milkshakes or just the normal one. Dark chocolates are still good for weight loss.   
ü  Smoothies are like liquid whole-meals. You can take more smoothies in place of junk foods and snacks.
ü  Take more dark green veggies and citrus fruits. They are packed with lots of nutrients ranging from lots of vitamins to minerals.
ü  For cooking, use sunflower or coconut oil. They don’t have saturated fats.
ü  Drink green tea every day or at least 5 times a day.
ü  They say chewing gum helps with defining the jaw line. So, try 400 chews a day.
ü  Snack on lots of nuts and seeds including almonds, Brazil nuts, flax seeds.
ü  Be realistic when setting a goal to achieve in our fat loss journey. You can’t have Korean V-shaped face if you are born with a heart-shaped face. You can only lose face fat but cannot alter your inbuilt face shape. 


û  Too much salt isn’t good for your health and your weight management.
û  Don’t take much meat like chicken, bacon and beef if you want to lose fat.
û  Don’t drink fruit juices too often.
û  Don’t only feed on milkshakes and smoothies. You are losing weight, you aren’t starving yourself. Contact your doctor before proceeding to do this or even thinking about doing this.
û  Avoid oily foods as much as possible.
û  Stay away from junk foods, fast foods restaurants and snack vending machines.
û  Don’t eat carrots too much. It causes a condition called carotenemia. 


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  2. Thanks for sharing such beautiful information with us. I hope you will share some more information about face fat. Please keep sharing.
    Health Is A Life


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