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 So...yeah. I am a big fan of watching movies and even though I don't necessarily keep to-date with upcoming movies, I still have a slight knowledge of what's trending on Netflix here and then. Here's a list of my must-watch movies for this week..if you're even interested, read on.


A. A simple introduction

B. My history with keeping up-to-date with movies

C. My present best movies

D. My Top 5 to-watch movies list this week

E. A simple conclusion

F. A simple question


With the countless ads popping up on my phone and tv screen, there's no way I can run away from catching a glimpse of the fresh cinematic delicacies the people behind the scenes have worked hard to serve us.

  Some movies on the list aren't really my preferences per say, but just cuz it's one of the hot topics on everyone's mouth nowadays, I can't resist anticipating. Even though I know I'm someone who hates overhyped/overrated stuffs ON social media, watching it may change my opinion of it, who knows.

B. My history with keeping up-to-date with movies

So, I'm not the most up-to-date movie watched out there to be honest and I do try my best to catch new movies from cinemas fresh before anyone in my class has so I can go brag about it in their faces(yes, that's a thing and I still do it), but one thing that has hindered me from being the most prolific movie watched would be not enough resources and the country I live in.

When a new movie is released in box office, it graces the screens of DStv premium users and other worldwide recognized tv networking stations, but not in my home. 

We're on a family pack plan, and we don't have as much access to a variety of channels on dstv as the compact users. We don't have the box office channel where new movies are shown fresh. Unlucky us.

    Still, we have another means of sharing movies here in Nigeria which is illegal bought still used and acknowledged nationwide... Pirated CDs. The street vendors and retailers sell it under minimum price and significantly lower than the fee you may pay to buy it on Netflix.

 Yet, it has its downside.

Only after like 8 months do you see pirated copies being sold on the streets and even available for download online.

For downloading movies as such, data is needed and everyone knows data in Nigeria is all these combined aid to why I fail to keep up with new releases in the film industry-abroad by the way.

I feel like I just gave an insight into the socio- economic status of my Economics teacher would be proud I did so in an informal manner.

C. My present best movies

I don't follow the hottest releases in Hollywood but I do have some notable and impeccable movies I would rewatch a hundred times; funny because I don't like watching a movie twice. 

In this list there are rather old films but not too old to be called "ancient" and new films too.

  • Spiderman: into the spider verse

I would watch this film over and over. I love the graphics, plot, characters and just everything.

  • The croods 2

  One of my favs this weekend actually. A true mix of comedy, adventure and romance. I'm happy they could do that with a rather limited plot.

  • Extraction

This was one I first watched and totally hated it from the beginning to the end, buh upon watching it again, I saw the actual simplicity in the storyline in the plot and the way everything turned out matches the beginning scenes. It's one I would love to see a sequel of.

  • Beasts of no nation

    I'm overjoyed first that it got insane ratings on Netflix during it's year of relief (back in 2015). This is just a masterpiece honestly. The main character being a kid just puts the viewer in that spot of pity, concern and more interest in the movie. All I can say, go check it out for yourself.

  • Mulan

    I wasn't really excited to see the live action of this but I took my words back when I watched the opening scenes of this movie. They put in much work into making this film look and carry all the essence of the original classic, something Disney strives to do, and I give them a salute for it. They did well.

Did I mention a movie you also enjoyed working? Leave a comment below.

D. My Top 5 to-watch movies list this week

As I'm getting ready for my secondary school's final exams and preparing to resume school, a girl deserves to Netflix and chill don't you think?

Without further ado, here are my top 5 to-watch movies this week:


   I haven't really done research on this movie but there's no doubt this is the most talked about to-be-released films on Google trends. When, I first heard the name, it gave me 'The legend of the dragon trainer" vibes and since then, I've been really looking up to watching it.

I got a glimpse of the plot and I'm more intrigued in the story as the storyline is really grasping.

Any movie that has a back story at the beginning told by a narrator always gives me, it's fantasy!


    This, I actually saw a few weeks ago while watching a CNN live broadcast in the morning and the ad came up. Shortly after, the main actor was being interviewed and showed his immense joy as he got the opportunity to star as the first black lead role in a Disney film.

To be frank, at first, I didn't really have much interest in that fact nether did the trailers leave me anticipating.

 It gave me a "mweh" feeling.

It wasn't after I read the storyline and the inspiration behind it that made me look forward to its release. The visuals are stunning; Disney never fails to deliver that for sure, but the whole message is more inviting and worth a clap.


The part one was a hit! It was fabulous, messy, carefully told, extravagant, super vibrant, funny to the bone and jaw breaking.

It was just all Eddie Murphy. I secretly wanted there to be a part 2 because I wasn't satisfied with the ending....see what we have now.

3 of the biggest Nigerian superstars' track are part of the soundtrack, like what else?

And Eddie Murphy again? It's refreshing to see him back on screen after such a hiatus.


Even the name got me hooked, confused and excited.

The trailers seemed to be one of those cliche rom-com films, but anywhere 9ja dey, I dey.

It's lovely to see Nigerian culture being accepted and appreciated by other cultures.


So I didn't know the meaning of that word, and with a little research I got this;

Collegiate Definition

: existing before a war

especially : existing before the American Civil War

Credits to Merriam-webster Dictionary

I've been loving historical arts recently and with the cover, I saw it's something I would love to watch. I haven't done much research on the movie because I wanted to come as an ignorant and psyched viewer when watching the movie.

What are your top picks this week?


I have been reading a lot of books recently and decided to give into my watching sense, since I'm resuming school, oh hectic school, very soon. 

Today, I share with you guys the top movies that are in my watching list this week. 


Any picks you want to add? Leave a comment below⬇️

Thanks for stopping by!

Stay tuned for more from Marysays

Stay safe!


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