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 It's already 2021. Most of us had great plans for 2020 but it's none of our faults last year was the way it was. Some benefitted greatly from last year, while others did not. The ones that utterly wasted their time grumbling about the lockdown situation benefitted less than the ones who actually worked through amidst the discouraging situation.

 Is your 2021 going to be a year of wasted efforts, utilized time or complete laziness? Want a solution to why you keep spending your time unwisely, read on.


A. A simple introduction

B. What does it mean to waste time?

C. Why do people waste time?

D. What happens when people waste time?

E. How can I stop wasting time?

F. A simple conclusion

G. A simple question


You're lying on the couch, effortlessly bored, pressing your phone, scrolling through your messages inbox, eating a plate of jollof rice and then the alarm goes off!

It's time to exercise.

"How did that come so quickly?", You ask yourself. You thought you were still listening to some inspirational podcast on being super productive through your day, but totally forgot an entire hour passed and you hadn't read that novel you wanted to catch up on!

It happens everyday.

You are sick and tired of this damned habit and reality you have soothe into. It isn't helping me personally and is really affecting others around me.

But how exactly do I get rid of it?

B. What does it mean to waste time?

Most people think wasting time just means DOING NOTHING. What they don't tell you is what exactly that NOTHING means.

 Doing something related to the concept of time management means engaging yourself. This engagement constitutes of activities that are incumbent,  benefiting or educational. 

If you're "doing things" that don't fall under these three categories, then you are doing nothing.

You are wasting your time.

Most workaholics and productivity-driven people have the conception that doing many things or participating in many extra curricular activities means they are at their A-game and using every single second of the day wisely, but they are not. They are actually wasting their time.

Doing much doesn't mean you're doing all and doing all.

It means you're doing nothing that's actually profitable.

If you're one of those people who attends 5 different seminars on different subject areas, does community work, take multiple courses and online degres programmes, manage an online business, tutor and freelance, go to school and go to part-time jobs....and you do this all in one day, everyday!... I'm sorry to say but you're wasting your time doing unnecessary things. Even if you can balance your schedule well with your personal and social life, you won't be able to achieve a certain level of productivity per day.

C. Why do people waste time?

I won't conclude and say there are many reasons why people of different walks of life waste time, neither can I generalize and say the prominent reason why people waste time is because of boredom. 

What I can confidently say and stand firm to is that most people who go to school waste their time because of over-reading, unplanned schedules and boredom.

I can also say most workaholics waste their time because it's their nature.

Additionally, most unemployed citizens, if not all, waste their time because of emotional stress.

This is just a short summary of reasons why categorised set of important people in the society and to the economy, waste their time.

I could go in-depth and explain why I stated those reasons but I'm afraid that would be another post, if you want it to be.

Other popular and rather vague and outdated reasons are:

  • Laziness(I literally asked my brother the question as I was typing this post and he gave me this as an answer)
  • Obscure boredom
  • Distractions
  • THE MEDIA (Yes.This had to be an individual poing)
  • Procastination
  • Fatigue
  • Health issues
  • Emotional stress

                name a few

These are good points, but the main reason why people waste is themselves.

All the point listed above, to a degree are caused by human involvement.

So, what do you think makes you waste time?

D. What happens when people waste time?

What do you think happens when you waste time?

What is the aftermath?

Remember that time when you played Fortnite for almost 4 hours straight when you were meant to complete your Physics assignment... try to recall what happened next?

Three things could've happened.

You did the assignment after the game, as soon as you remembered.

You didn't do the assignment and did it the day after, because you had the chance.

You didn't do the assignment the day after and lost the marks it cost.

These three circumstances would've been the results:

If the first scenario occurred, you are quick reviver after unproductivity. Work first, play second.

If the second scenario was your case, procastination is your problem. Do what you have to do as soon as you remember it's to be done.

If your case is the third one, you have fully felt the effects of  wasting your valuable time. Luck could've been on your sids twice in a row, but the habit of wasting time catches up to you sooner or later.

The main effect of wasting time?

You don't achieve the desired result you initially wanted from the activity you forsook for immediate pleasure, in the long run.

E. How can I stop wasting time?

The time you have now is precious and you should treat it like so. You don't have all the time in the world to do it all at once, neither do you have the time to slack off and do nothing.

In this year 2021, make a commitment to yourself to not waste a second this year gives you. 

Where do you start?

Today, we'll look at the three major ways you can stop wasting time today!

But first, don't forget to subscribe to MarySays to not miss a single update on the blog.

ONE: You're not lazy!

You're not lazy. 

You're not bored.

You're not unmotivated.

You are scared.

Sacred of being by yourself and being productive.

Laziness doesn't hold one from writing an essay. It's fear it won't be perfect or he/she would miss the next Bridgerton episode.

Boredom doesn't make you comfortable listeny to a playlist of productivity podcasts rather than investing in stocks. It's fear you would lose more than you invested in or you won't top the social hierarchy in your school.

It's not an unmotivated person that will pick up a Nora Roberts and indulge herself in it than start reading the International relations textbook she had just purchased for upcoming exams. It's someone who's scared that he/she wouldn't pass even if she dedicated her time to studying the course or convincing him/herself reading a romance novel 3 days before an exam is "educative".

One step to utilizing your time wisely is breaking through their barrier of fear.

It's fear that breeds all those causes I talked about earlier.

Once you stop fearing that things may not work out of time will fly past you, you're one step closer to being time-wise.

TWO: Do something!

If you probably scrolled down to this point, it would be helpful for you to scroll back up to Section B, specifically the first paragraph, where I explained what NOTHING and SOMETHING in the concept of time management means. 

For emphasis sake, I quote myself:

Doing something related to the concept of time management means engaging yourself. This engagement constitutes of activities that are incumbent,  benefiting or educational. 

So if it's not any of that, it's Nothing.

Engage yourself with mindful and profitable activities. 

You can:

  • Learn skills that will be in demand this decade
  • Learn a language
  • Take online courses, training and/or degree programmes
  • Plan 
  • Schedule your day or week
  • Invest in yourself
  • Invest in financial education
  • Invest in stocks
  • Reflect on yourself
  • Call someone
  • Engage in community service

                             ....To name a few

Escape mediocrity and chase a higher level of productivity.

THREE: Stop procastinating!

There's not much to be said here, is there?

It's plain and simply put.

Stop procrastinating.

A survey recently conducted by, in which 2,196 people participated, showed that 88% of the workforce procastinate.

It increased significantly in the UK by 0.5% amidst the lockdown last year.

Stop saying I will.

Rather, say I am.

Pushing taks or work in general later in your schedule not only disrupts your plan for a day/week, but also puts you in the position to do nothing.


Time is fleeting. It runs as fast as we know it, even faster as it did a decade ago. It may seem as though days are just passing by within the blink of an eye, but you're actually the one sitting down there..... doing nothing.

Start doing something now, so your tomorrow will be worthwhile.


How do you stay time-wise during your busy day?

Leave your tips down below!

Thanks for stopping by!

Stay tuned for more from MarySays.



  1. This was really helpful.
    Expecting more from this blog 😁

  2. This was really helpful.
    Expecting more from this blog 😁


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