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 Weekends can be a great time to waste time. Weekends can also be a great time to be productive. Keeping yourself busy, doing gainful activities and personally developing yourselves are things you can achieve during the weekends.. alone. 

Want to know how? Read on.


A. A simple introduction

B. What is productivity?

C. What are the benefits of being productivity during the weekends?

D. What breeds productivity?

E. Can I really be positive during times that are designed for leisure?

F. A simple conclusion

G. A simple question


  After a hectic week of work/school and major stress, one would want to let off all the steam during already planned weekends. 

This doesn't call for unproductivity.

Most people waste their weekends practically doing nothing, too much or not serving themselves well during this short break time as said by a survey conducted by blog.rescuetime

...and it's highly possible YOU are part of those people.

Noone says you can't be as productive as you are during the weekends as in the weekdays. You just need educational and gainful activities to get your hands dirty and body moving a bit during those times...and I have you covered.

B. What is productivity?

Merriam-webster Dictionary, our most trusted dictionary defines the word like so;

: the quality or state of being productive

And being productive means:

a: yielding results, benefits, or profits

b: yielding or devoted to the satisfaction of wants or the creation of utilities

It's from the name. Product.

I don't want to really get into the meaning and concept behind this but productivity simply means the state of constantly satisfying one's needs and creating utilities.

C. What are the benefits of being productivity during the weekends?

There are a lot actually. It is basically the same benefits you enjoy by being productive during a work day, but with a subtle twist

Here are the ones I know will interest you:

  • It fosters the habit of productivity
  • It increases efficiency in one's work or labour
  • It yields productivity for the upcoming week
  • It doesn't allow you to waste your time!
  • It involves you in fruitful activities (e.g, volunteering/community work, skill learning, taking extra courses e.t.c)
  • It keeps you fit
  • It mentally strengthens you for hectic days

And many more you can even figure out for yourselves.

D. What breeds productivity?

Infact, many things.


It all starts from personal choice and extends to external instigation.

Many things breed or should I rather say, encourages one to be productive in his/her daily life, but deciding whether that quality should remain a go-to state for mental satisfaction or a perpetual habit is where it becomes YOUR choice.

All I'm trying to say is many attributes to planting the seed of productivity in ones life, some of which include:

Family and friends

Colleagues or workmates

Popular opinion

Popular figures/Influencers

Media influence

Other people's stories

Motivational books

                               ....... To name a few.

Yet, catering to that beneficial quality(productivity) is where we need to breed it.

Now, the question arises?

How do I breed productivity?

You don't breed productivity.....if it's an habit already, there's nothing to breed.

E. Can I really productive during times that are designed for leisure?

Whether is during end-of-semester breaks, special day-offs or planned family vacations, there is no excuse for you to be less productive.

Those times you have to relax are actually the time you need to replenish your lost streak of productivity and working on how to get back on your toes.

The issue of maintaining your productivity during the weekends is no different. 

Like I said earlier, what you need to maintain your productivity streak during the weekends are activities....and it would shock you, some quiet time.

Today, I give you some of things I do to not only pass time but also stay as productive as a bee during the weekends...

But first, don't forget to subscribe to MarySays to not miss a single update on the blog.

TIP 1: Read a book


Don't click back!

Reading is truly a cultural habit that can be developed in any human. 

You just have to focus on the book you're reading (any type you're reading) and totally absorb yourself into it's world.

Improving your grammer and vocabulary ✔️

Sparks creativity ✔️


I don't think I have to say much about the benefits of reading.

It's a great way to pass time and stay operative during the weekends.

TIP 2: Get crafty

    Beadmaking, trying DIYs, craft making, paper crafting, mat weaving, knitting and so much more to choose from. They are so many craftsmaking ideas you can do by yourself at home and enjoy doing them.

You can even try out trending DIYs and post your talent on social media for reviews. You don't know who could see it.

You can even use this small time to create something that attracts a potential customer base and by doing so, improving your skill and turning it to a money maker.

TIP 3: Rekindle your writing flame

To all my wattpaders reading this, take one!👊

If you know you love writing and content creation, you should try out penning some few ideas on paper during times you're less busy.

Most people use school, family and work as an excuse to not invest in their talent(I'm a credible offender), but with the weekends existing, I don't think there's much more on your plate.

Try starting or continuing that book or poem you had thought of or had been working on just few months back. 

TIP 4: Workout

The same excuses given above are also given for this by most workaholics nowadays, but that shouldn't hold you during the weekends.

 Even if it's one out of the two days, try exercising 30-60 minutes in a week to keep fit.

This helps a lot in maintaining your productivity throughout the week and putting your emotional and physical health in a comfortable spot.

TIP 5: Take some online courses

Invest in yourself

Most influential people and motivational speakers cry out all the time. They aren't wrong when they say so; research and see why.

Anyways, one way you invest in yourself and specifically in your intellectual state us by taking online courses.

It can be from any discipline you want or any skill you desire to learn by the side to get that bulky CV most young adults dream to have.

This is a great way to start your week on a productive note and has its massive rewards in the long run.

TIP 6: Relax

I'm talking rubbish right now, but I'm not.

How will relaxing make me more productive?

You have all the time to relax, go easy on yourself and chill out. Forget all your work and school plans and feel comfortable in your abode.

Binge-watch those movies and series you've saved on Netflix years ago and actually let go of steam.

Taking your mind off anything that will stress you and put your mind on relaxing stuffs. This helps you charge and replenish your strength for the upcoming week.

TIP 7: Reflect on yourself

Look back to the beginning of this year and see whether you've kept to your new year's resolution.

Analyze your recent actions and behavior...have you hurt anyone unintentionally or repeated a bad habit?

Simply thinking about the life goals, future aspirations, plans and spiritual health are also wats to reflect on yourself.

Ask yourself whether or not the life you're living right now is what you want to live and the way you want to live it.

Try to connect with your inner self and get to know more of YOURSELF

When you've become more comfortable with silence, "boredom" and being alone with your thoughts, you're on a good track on the productivity lane for the rest of your life!

F. A simple conclusion

The weekends can be a time you invest in yourself and it can also be a time you waste away doing unnecessary things. Make sure you occupy yourself with activities that keep you productive and try having some quiet time to think past, present and future of YOUR life.


     I hope the few ideas of activities to keep you productive during the weekends are super helpful to you and I would be over delighted to hear from y'all who've tried it out.

Invest in yourself in your free time and make your weekends count!


Any suggestions you want to add? Leave a comment below⬇️

Thanks for stopping by!

Stay tuned for more from Marysays

Stay safe!


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