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Yes, I write. I just started my first project on wattpad, and it's called Nostalgic encounter. Can't wait to hear from y'all about what you think of this preview of my first wattpad novel.🙈🙈


A. A simple introduction

B. Chapter 1

C. Chapter 2

D. Chapter 3

E. A simple conclusion

F. A simple question

G. A simple call to action


So for the past 30 hours, I've been really stressed, partially depressed and tired 🤧

I'm really happy people (you beautiful people) are reading my boring blog posts and are actually relating to it.

It means a lot..... seriously.

I thought I should just serve you guys with this at least before I'm up and going again, maybe after school tomorrow.

B. Chapter 1

Today, I'll share with you the first 3 chapters of my newest novel. Please tell me what you think of it by commenting, voting and emailing me if you want.

I would also appreciate it if you follow me on wattpad and share my profile and works with others.

Without further ado, here it is:

Chapter 1

"Today is the day!"...her tiny voice reminded the figure standing in front of her - in the mirror. 

As she packed her kinky blackish-brown hair into a bun and left few strands to fall by the sides of her temple, she let out a long sigh that would make one question the fact that a tall girl standing at a staggering 5"12 and having a chipmunk voice would let that sound come out her mouth sounded like she tried to sigh all her worries and anxieties out in a go, but failed, not much of a surprise. 

      She stood, looking intently at the mirror, not admiring her facial beauty, slender figure and lovely creamish-ebony skin complexion, but convincing herself that she's ready for the next step in her life, even though she felt otherwise.

"Oh gosh, I just wish this could all happen in a split second, and of course..." She slams her hands on her cheeks, " no drama!". She lets out a groan hinting her disgust towards something.... something she didn't even know disgusted her. She grabs her retro bagpack filled with some of her school books and favorite sci-fi novels, snacks and her earpods and phone; puts it on and selects a novel from the ones she stacked, to be her company during the said-to-be short escapade.          She knew very well it would be 3 hours straight; no stops for anything even bathroom breaks- just in a stuffy car with her bothersome junior brothers, obnoxious older sisters and care free parents.

Yes. Carefree.

      She moves over to the full body mirror to check out how she looked like, alongside the book in a hand as a compulsory accessory. She wore a grey t-shirt on top of a faded pair of jeans, an addidas sneakers and her granny's necklace.

She loved that necklace dearly because it was her granny's death wish for her to have it so she could later pass it on to her daughter. She always wondered why granny hadn't given it to her mom, but she didn't get  the chance to ask. It has been her most prized possession ever since she was 6; after 12 years had passed, she wondered how she could've still kept it intact and looking nice....

"Temi!" Come downstairs and have your breakfast, we'll be leaving soon. It's already past 7:00, you can't afford to miss the train!"....her mom's voice echoed through the entire house till it jerked her her out of her thoughts back to the real world. She grabbed her phone and checked the time. 7:45am!

The train from Lagos to Ibadan leaves by 9:30am. She had to be quick. She did say her last goodbyes to all the furniture in her room, her pet dog, Henry, her room again and all her favorite spots in the house-- one being the attic since she goes there midt of the time when there's tension in the house or she needs quiet time to read a book. 

    She still had so many things to say goodbye to in the house like the coffee maker in the kitchen (her granny taught her to make coffee for the first time when she was just 7), the gum wall on the fridge where her brothers rule stick gums to commemorate the sweetness, the doll house her Aunt Tope have her on her 10th birthday dismantled somewhere in the store and so much more.

Not to talkless of the memories.

  The good and the bad ones- she wanted to remember them all since that would be all she needed where she was going to.

C. Chapter 2

Temi didn't have much friends right from kindergarten because of her height and looks. She was the only black 5"3 11 year old in JSS1 plus puberty really delt with her but when she became an SS1 senior in Golosi College Campus; she did become taller but her looks became more stunning. Several modelling agents had scouted her and talked to her mom about her being a model but her parents disagreed because they wanted her to finish her high-school education first. Now, that she was going to college, she knew she could get some extra bucks from modelling gigs but she didn't like the downsides it comes with...and there are a lot, so that's a no-no.

The only friend Temi had was Regina. They met in JSS3; Regi is a ebony-skinned, petite and average heighted girl with a wonderful smile but corny attitude. Temi doesn't know till this day why and how they became friends but she's grateful she sat across Regi's table in the chemistry lab that fateful day. She decided she would chat with Revi halfway through the journey since she saw up to 30 missed calls on her phone's notification bar.

She would still see her in university because the universe somehow made both of them apply and get accepted into the same uni, buy Regi was unhappy they couldn't go together.

But..... Temi would have her friend with her in the cruel world she was going to, that was safe.

Temi rushed downstairs to the dining table ignoring her older sisters' usual bickering and her junior brothers' insisting her to choose between something to prove each other wrong.

Leaving this mad house for good!...she screamed in her head.

After greeting her dad who was reading a political magazine, responded with a "Yes, yes....", Temi gave a sharp look at her mom who was sorting out her already sorted bags.

"Mom, you know I've already sorted those out last night. Why are you doing that.... in front of everyone?", Temi embarrassingly said shoving the slice of bacon and omelette sandwich into her mouth to hide her blush.

Gosh...this woman.

For a second she thought her thoughts had become loud when she saw her mom turned to look at her, and paused her eating.

"No, no dear, I know you have. Just want to make sure everything is perfect and you have everything you need..."her mom answered smiling broadly, as she folded a couple of towels into the travelling bag.

Thank God, my thoughts are still mine. She bit from the sandwich.

"Mom! What the heck?!" Temi's tiny voice tried to seem intimidating but only her rush to grab the transparent bag her mom pulled from her bag our her hand, helped it to be more compelling. "Mom, what exactly do you think you're doing? It's ok, just tell dad to put it in the car. If I need anything, I'll buy. You don't expect me to pack the entire house with me, do you?" Temi explained as calm as her voice wanted her to be to her mom as she puts the bag back in her travelling bag and zips it, finally.

"hehehehehe, you know your mom, as meticulous as a monkey, don't you think?"...her dad says hysterically as he laughs out loud.

"It's not your fault! You lazy slump!" Her mom shoots back and gets up from the floor to talk to her daughter. "Alright my dear, just call me if you need anything in school, ok?

"Yes mom...." Temi responded as she rolled her eyes twice.

"Temi's hiding braaaaas, Temi's hiding paaadss..." her irritating sisters, Titi and Taiwo sang mockingly as they entered the living room.

For 20 year olds, they were sure a pain in the neck for Temi. She didn't know if they had sworn to torment her for the rest of their lives, but she was sure most of their teasing where annoyingly stupid and irritated her a lot. Even though they were a bunch of three jolly sisters in family picture frames and estate parties to the public eye, she had secretly wished she had more "sensible" sisters...or maybe even brothers.

No...she almost uttered a groan.

She already had Thomas and Timothy. She couldn't imagine having two older brothers.

God no!

"Stop it two of you and go sit in the car!" shot at them and they argued their way to the car.

Thank God no more of that..her thoughts were getting more audible she thought (hehe)

Temi sat, shoved some more sandwich in her mouth and impatiently gulped all the fruit juice in the glass in front of her.

"Take it slow sis, you're turning into aquaman", the two coconut heads who were hiding under the dining table finally spoke and giggled. 

"Well if I turned to aquaman, both of you will be my first treat"..she teased back as she showed her canines to the younguns already shivering and pretending to cry for their mommy.

When they saw their mom coming, they ran to the car knowing already what mommy was about to say.......

Temi's head was somewhere else...way above the clouds.

She didn't even know why her thoughts had landed there.

What if she saw that person again?

D. Chapter 3

Her mom's voice pulsated through her veins and made her choke slightly, averting her from thinking.

"Get in the car you two!..." mom shouted from her room. Temi never minded her siblings knowing fully well she couldn't because she was eternally stuck in the middle of tattling twins. She was the black sheep, something her parents told her to stop calling herself when she knew they knew it was the truth. That's why she was treated and known differently by her neighbours, family and basically everyone who saw her as a non-twin in a twin-dominated family. Her mom  always comforted her, telling her she was special but she knew she was just odd.

"Time to go!"dad finally spoke as he rose to grab his jacket on the dining chair, picked up the car keys on the table and walked out to start the car in the compound.

Temi dusted food particles off the edges of her mouth with a napkin, quickly swung her bagpack around her shoulders and carefully grabbed her book as she straddled out of the dining room.

As she was about to step out of the house, she felt a gentle hold on her shoulder and words flew to her ear, " Are you sure you're ready for this?" The voice was cool and gentle. It was her mom.

Temi held her mom's hand on her shoulder and turned around to hug her as tightly as she possibly could. She let out a sigh, let go and clarified that she would be fine. Her mom nodded in satisfaction and said "C'mon" as she held her purse to her waist and walked to the car.

Temi felt something at that point. 

It wasn't doubt.

It wasn't worry. 

It was definitely not fear. It was something else. Was she unsure of the answer she gave her mom, or was she not confident in herself for feeling that way towards a new beginning in her life?

Honk! Honk!

"We don't have all day, Tems", her dad reminded her. She pressed her grandma's necklace to her chest and said a silent prayer "Please... help me overcome my anxiety and see me through.... please. This HAS to least". She walked out of the house, bolting the door behind her and took a last look at the place she'd grown up in. She smiled as a way of telling the house goodbye till next time...if there were to be a next time... and walked to the stuffy car waiting for her.

The car drive seemed longer than the journey was expected to be according to Temi's POV. She had been reading one of her all-time favorites, We Meet Again by her best author, Morris Macklemore and fully submerged herself in the riveting thriller, drama, sci-fi, and of course, romance the literary work had radiated in it's compelling narrative. She barely even looked across the seater to where her two brothers were battling on their PSPs for the title of Ultimate FIFA Lord, neither did she give her sisters a listening ear when they were bickering about some hot guy in their college and stuff.

Temi was totally immersed in her book and she was glad she was.

On several points during the journey, Temi would glance out the window to catch a quick view of the city's beauties; she remembered the day her dad took the fam to the national museum.

It was so cool there, Temi reminisced.

Temi was only 8 at that time. Upon looking at the structure now, she wasn't sure if the maintenance facilities of the building were limited and not being used or her eyesight were really getting worse as her brothers had been teasing her for months now. She hated wearing glasses~to her, it makes one look and feel vulnerable, and even though she was the most sheepish person she knew, vulnerability is something she wished away from her life.

At least she'd learnt her lesson.

Temi saw the mallam's shop she first went to buy her first recharge card as soon as her dad bought her  first phone, Nokia Torchlight...pafuka phone. Few steps away, was the Mama Put in her booker who attracted customers from all over the estate with her delicious dishes. Although, Dad had been a regular customer since he ate there when he would leave home for work very early, he had stopped going when Mom became 'suspicious' and felt like her husband didn't appreciate her skills.

Couples, unh? She smirked at the memory.

They were 30 minutes away from the railway station in Surulere, and 20 minutes till the train that leaves to Ibadan would have arrived. Dad had to reluctantly stop at one of the NNPC fueling stations in Mushin because of Thomas's and Timothy's bladders and Titi and Taiwo's stomachs

People say twins do ALL  things together. I say twins do things together.

"Mom, I had nothing to eat because I was busy updating my S.M accounts this morning, you know that", Titi blurted out to mom as Thomas and Timothy were entering the car after relieving themselves.

"Yes mom, dad. I also was busy finishing a project for a client this morning, plus, Rob I got carried away and forgot to eat", Taiwo insisted while trying to hide her blush.

"Gosh girls! Your sister has to reach the railway station in a few minutes and we're already running low on time. If she knew the streets well, she would've gone by herself" talked to a wall.

"Like seriously mom, is it our fault she doesn't know the streets well?", Titi defended herself

"Yeah, like she just freaking turned an adult and we still have to be the one to drop her off at school. It's not out fault that she's an "introverted freak", Taiwo added

"Hey don't call your sister that", mom got annoyed.

"But it's the truth tho.."Titi said and blew on her nails

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"...the two coconut heads added to the noise.

"Shut up you two! And as for the two of you, can you be any more selfish?", mom almost snapped.

"Can you be any less of a downer".. Titi couldn't keep her mouth shut.

"That's not the way to speak to your mom, Titi. Apologize now" , dad now had a voice.

"But dad...." And it turned into a heated argument.

I know the streets. Temi almost squeaked and got the attention of everyone in the car.

"Dad, pls we'll pay for the meal to-go", Taiwo begged her dad

"I wonder why we even have to follow you guys", Titi grumbled.

*          *              *                *                *

They were a few minutes away from the railway station. 

Lots of people moved helter skelter. 

     Temi was at least happy because of the short silence she enjoyed in the car after the past argument.

Titi and Taiwo's food ordering took more time than they promised; they were busy flirting with the cute male cashier. 

Looking for a parking spot in the midst of  such a large number of people was hard enough for my dad, but he absolutely flipped when a black Ford car pulled into the spot he was about to park in. 

"OH GOD DAMN! You got to be kidding me!", My dad picks his words when he is vexed, and at that moment, he was so infuriated. Maybe he had been storing all he annoyance through the journey but finally burst out.

My mom wasted no time to come out and challenge the unethical driver behind the tainted glass in the car.."hey, you! Couldn't you see we were about to park in this spot or are you blinded with your stupid ego because you have a fancy car? You think you can do anything and dominate everywhere anytime because you rode a Lexus car or whatever trash you're in....that's ironic, Temi thought.

She didn't blame her mom for responding like that. They were all tired and stressed but she felt her face flush into the ground as she saw eyeballs, except the ones in the expensive car, look at them in their shabby car, specifically at HER, it felt. Her sisters were busy on their phones while her brothers tried to go out but failed cuz dad shut all the car doors.

Am I the only one that feels embarrassed now~ Temi wondered

No you're not

Wait..what?did someone just talk to me? It felt like someone just responded to me..


Are her thoughts really getting louder?

She looked back, front and side yet her siblings were engaged.

"So you can't even come out to face me? Do you really feel too big to even walk on the same ground as a simpleton like me, thy highness" mom teased and left us all giggling in the car while my dad got out to calm her down.

My mom had a temper; if she was pushed to her limit, she would blurt out anything that came to her mouth at that moment, not caring for the consequences. If she starts teasing, you better run cuz she's about to get physical with you.

It wasn't until the crowd started dispersing from the boring scene that the passenger door at the front opened and I could see a perfectly toned leg wearing a wedged shoe step out and there stood a real-life goddess by the side of the car. She slammed the door and we all saw her keep a straight face. She wore a black quilted gown with a slit from her thigh to her knee. She had luscious curly black hair down her shoulders complementing her fair complexion and wore dark shades for some reason. She had on designer jewelry and her makeup suited her fresh lips.

I felt and heard my Dad gulp hard and Titi saying in a high-pitched voice"Taiwo! OMG! That's our new mom!".

Mom was already smirking and ready to go face her without uttering a word then, it happened all of a sudden .

The lady removed her shades and words came out from my mom's mouth...

"Angela, is that you?"

"Joke?.." the lady responded

Temi's attention had immediately shifted to the figure sitting on the back seat inside the expensive car as the window opened and a head pooped out.

Unfortunately, their eyes met.

Temi jerked 


.               .                   .               .


Thanks so much for reading this post. I know you guys maybe wondering if I'm a writer or reader of some sort..but I'm actually just a reader and some girl who likes fiddling with words and her thoughts on her phone notes app. 

The main genre of the book as you could see is Romance and the reason why it's so is because, this work in particular, is a work done by a 13 year old teen romance-obsessed Mary. I've grown a lot from that phase and so have my preferences, romance being the least lol. I just refined some of the parts, adding some elements of more mature themes like thriller, young adult, and contemporary fiction, so you can expect much from this project.

Once again, thanks a lot for everything. You, who read all my posts, mean so much to me personally and interpersonally. Sincerely, I'm grateful for all the love and support shown♥️

I hope you have wonderful day/night and stay safe.


What are you favorite novels recently?

Leave your comments down below!

Thanks for stopping by!

Stay tuned for more from MarySays.

 G: A SImple Call To Action


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And don't forget to check out my new novel, NOSTALGIC ENCOUNTER and follow me on wattpad!

Appreciate it. 

Till next time.


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